Saturday, August 24, 2019

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 2 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 2 SLP - Essay Example Product X5 X5 product would be delivered to those customers who concern more about its price rather than its performance. In this regard, the product i.e. X 5 could be sold at a price of$290 keeping its performance to be almost constant but with a little decline from 2012-2015. This can be better understood with the help of the following table. Source: (Elson, n.d.) It can be observed from the above table that X5 performed well in its growth stage. But gradually, the performance of X5 has been observed to be decline at a minimum rate from its growth to maturity stage. It can be stated that the strategy employed by Joe Schmoe relating to the product X5 is better than Clipboard as Joe succeeded in maintaining steady performance. The financial data of X5 product of Clipboard has been provided hereunder (Komninos, 2002). X5 2012 2013 2014 2015 Sales 1521170 1939864 1742696 1059089 Revenue 441139433 562560659 505381705 307135801 Variable cost 346,152,154 375,821,546 598,751,425 358,694,21 6 Total cost 457,896,321 331,245,789 304,578,126 256,871,361 Profit 130043864 189381008 161777375 66072456 Product X6 X6 product will be targeted especially to the high class customers who are much more conscious about the quality and performance of the product rather than the price. The company could offer the product at a price of $460 as compared to X5 tablets which was $ 290 dollar. The performance of the product can be better understood with the help of the following table. Source: (Elson, n.d.) From the above table, it can be viewed that the performance of X6 is quite impressive in its introductory stage i.e. in 2012 but fall slightly in the next year. However, the performance has been viewed to be more impressive in the maturity stages. It can be affirmed that the strategy of Clipboard relating to the product X6 is better than Joe as it made constant growth at the maturity stages with a little decline in the year 2013. The financial information of X6 belonging to Clipboard ha s been depicted hereunder. X6 2012 2013 2014 2015 Sales 1,059,527 1,618,949 2,007,420 1,578,907 Revenue 487,382,302 744,716,491 923,413,185 726,296,995 Variable cost 354,474,689 487,105,945 350,116,782 307,489,042 Total cost 400,134,689 332,765,945 695,776,782 353,149,042 Profit 150,352,448 252,405,545 324,272,694 244,997,705 Product X7 X7 tablets will be targeted to those customers who concern both the price as well as the performance of the product. The price of X7 can be offered at $180 keeping in mind the perception of the customers regarding the product. The performance of the product can be better understood with the following table. Source: (Elson, n.d.) From the above table, it can be stated that the performance of X7 is not quite satisfactory at the growth stage but increased as well as remained constant at the maturity stages. It can be stated that Clipboard successfully managed to maintain a steady growth of X7 product as compared to Joe as the products of Joe showed no s igns of growth and remained steady. The financial information about X7 product of Clipboard has been provided hereunder. Development Decision Clipboard would decide the potential of the products on the basis of their performance in the market. All the three products performed differently in the market irrespective of price as well as performance. In this similar concern, it can be stated that the company would have to focus more upon the areas of research and development as well as different

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