Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adventures in Ecodesign of Electronic Products

Question: Discuss about the Adventures in Ecodesign of Electronic Products. Answer: Introduction: The company is a startup, and it is going to embark on the production of electronics for example televisions, mobile phones, computers, iPods, refrigerators, iron boxes and other accessories like chargers and earphones (Stevels, 2017). The company will produce products that are up to date and make sure they cover broad age group and that everybody can understand and use their products. The synthesizing of the idea was because the market lacked products that could blend with the culture and the lifestyle of the customers. The company aims at making the products simple and easy to use and also creating customer experience to ensure no one is left out in the advanced world. The products will be customized in such a way that even the potential clients of the age of 65 years can understand and use them with ease. Formulating of a possible marketing strategy instigates the company to earn itself profits, create customer awareness and increase its sales to be assured of growth and survival (McChesney, 2015).Through market research and development the management understands that should adapt marketing strategies that will make it command a larger market share. Information on the target audience segment analysis The market segment of the company will encompass various variables such as the behavior, psychographic, geographical and demographic factors. The market segment that the company will embark on will be the budget conscious customers (Leary, 2016). The customers are sensitive on how they spend their money, but at the same time, they want to get the value of their money back. Moreover, the company aims at providing goods for customers aged 18-65 years. The specified age group was arrived at because the company provides electronics that suit the lifestyle of the customers (Porcu et al. 2017) .The first class and the middle-class income earners will be the target of the company. The geographical area of marketing will be the locality of the company as the company will work on ways of improving its sales globally as it grows. The customers behavior will vary depending on their preferences, and their purchasing power will rely on the variation in prices. These clients are the time a verse that is they are well conversant with the latest trends in the market and lifestyle. Furthermore, the company must also keep in consideration their cultural beliefs (Jones, 2016).This segment consists of customers who expect quality products, assurance on the ongoing concern of the company and advancement on the existing products by introducing additional unique features. This market segment, therefore, is the most suitable one for the company as it constitutes the majority of the customers. The company will focus on the core purpose of the organization that is the maximization of the benefits. When the company uses the best marketing strategies like advertising its products, it will be able to attract more customers to buy the electronics hence making high returns (Katz, 2016). Also, the company should minimize its operating expenses through maximum utilization of the idle resources to maximize the profits. It will, therefore, set a given profit margin and focus on attaining it. Influence interests or customer attitude The customers are the most valuable assets of the company, and so it will concentrate on the satisfaction of their needs, wants, and expectations. Marketing of the company's products will enable the customers to know the unique features and the advantages of the products hence influencing them to buy. Also, it will instill a positive attitude of the customers towards the products as they will be familiar to them (Hair, 2014).The entity will produce high quality products to ensure that the customers get back the value of their money. It is a customer-centric company, and so it will always want to get the feedback from the customers and work on the disparities in the client needs and values on their products. The operations of the company should be efficient to enhance the achievement of the organization's objectives. The company should thus have competent employees with excellent marketing skills and experience in advertisement and public relations so that they can create broad awareness of the business's products and a good public image of the company (Blakeman, 2014).Consequently, this will lead to the growth of the market share as the products will be well known to the customers. Constant marketing of the companys products is very significant in developing the image of the product as it will incorporate the unique features of the products, how to use the products and the advantages of using those electronics. The company will focus on the advancement of the products by introducing products of different colors; change their appearance and rebranding to make them more appealing and attractive to the customers (Armstrong, 2014). the positive image will thus help the company gain a competitive edge over their competitors. Influencing purchase intentions The company has to take the customer's preferences into consideration hence produce products that suit them. The company can use attractive ways of marketing its products like the giving an offer package that comes along with the purchase of the product. Give the customers something of value that other companies producing the same products do not provide and they are not willing to offer for free for example purchase of a laptop coming along with a free laptop bag, acquisition of new mobile phone comes along with free data bundles and other electronics like refrigerators and television comes with 10 year warranty and free delivery services despite the location. An alternative style of advertising and justify communication objectives ethical issues Marketing through celebrities and public influencers In this technological world of today, social media has become a very addictive platform, and this serves it as an excellent platform to market the electronics and create awareness (Banerjee, Prioritizing Decisions alternatives For Social Media Planning, 2015). The majority of the public follow the celebrities on the social sites just to see their lifestyle. Using the stars as the brand ambassadors of the products will be a paramount strategy of marketing. The celebrities will be able to influence the customers through their social sites to use those products so that they keep up with what the celebrities use since the majority of people associate what celebrities use with class. Also, well-known bloggers and media pundits can be used as significant influencers. Advertising of the companys products through social media and any other available platforms should encompass honesty about the effectiveness of the outputs, the usage, the features, durability and the quality of the products (Ahuja, 2015).The things that are demonstrated during the advertisement of the products should be real facts. To gain the customers trust the company must also be honest in all its dealings. As the integrated marketing communication manager, you should use your professional skills to your best of knowledge to ensure the products of the company are marketed using the best strategies and be very competent in the market. Observe due care to make sure that you do everything within your capacity to help achieve the objectives of the company. The manager should ensure the company practices integrity by avoiding unethical practices like price discrimination whereby they sell other people the same product at different prices depending on their social class, race and maybe tribe. The manager must ensure the employees like people doing the promotion are accommodative to the customers. Integrity implicates treating all customers equally despite their differences and just doing the right things without supervision (Belch and Belch, 2016). The manager should ensure that they are very considerate when it comes to an advertisement to children by knowing the type of things that they can display to the kids. Sensitive information that can tarnish the values of the children should not be posted at inappropriate times. Also, scary things should not be involved in those adverts as they may interfere with the kid's psychology (Preston, 2016). Kids advert should be eye catching and attractive to influence their interests in such products for example advertisement entailing kids iPods that they can use for games should involve cartoon games that are colorful and interesting hence changing their interest in the products. The manager should ensure that the company uses television as a media strategy of advertising its products. It is a technologically advanced world, and so almost everyone owns a television nowadays, and they watch them for leisure. This thereby makes it the best platform for creative advertisement of the electronics as most people pay a lot of attention while watching televisions. Televisions can clearly demonstrate how the electronics work, show pictures of their features, show their package and also show the differentiating factors among the products like the available colors and available sizes with their prices (Chung, Park, and Hall- phillips, 2016).As the customers see how the products work and how they are used they regularly think of the need to have that particular product. It is a crucial medium for advertisement since it can relay the information about the products through sound, sight and even motion. Also, it is easy to reach the target customers by advertising the product at the right time for example advertisement of kids gadgets during the short breaks of cartoon programs and advertisement of raw products very late in the night after the kids have gone to sleep (Ortiz, Salazar, and Suing, 2017) .Consequently, it is the best medium of advertising as it covers a large number of customers suitable for a startup company like this of electronics as it relies on the repeated customers. Details on evaluation or to measure IMC plan effectiveness Assessment and measuring of the efficiency of an IMC program are very paramount to the management to access various roles of some of the communication strategies like an advertisement that it implied in the marketing of its products. It can be observed from two perspectives that are the company's outcome and the communication outcome. Continuous assessment of the performance of the integrated marketing plan is essential, and so it can be done periodically. The companys result is based on the valuation of the business's assets to determine the costs while communication outcome can be evaluated in different ways for example evaluation to determine if the brand awareness is achieved as an objective which will implicate a survey since brand awareness cannot be observed. It is then important to measure the effectiveness of communication by encompassing our arguments against the objectives of advertising. For that reason, the management has to ensure they create that impacting image on the customer's mind during advertisement so that they can remember that specific advertisement of their products showing how efficient, easy to use and their importance as they make purchases. It is also good to create that attractive ad that will always give the customers the urge to make a buy and experience the privileges that come along with owning those products (Thorson and Moore, 2013). Evaluation of performance is done periodically so that they can make corrections where necessary. Performance is first evaluated within the platform as the online campaign, then secondly measure across platforms. Another technique of measuring performance is quality and the impact of the advertisement to the customers through copy testing. Advertising tracking can also be used as another method of evaluation of return which involves showing off the visuals of the advert without showing the brand name to see if the customers recognize it or like it. The advanced technology has also facilitated eye tracking as an evaluation technique entailing the observation of movements of customers eyes, what catches their attention and where they lose interest in watching the advert. This then helps the management to evaluate which communication strategy is preferred by the customers. The management, therefore, has to be very keen on choosing the strategies that are practical and relevant to their marketing objectives. Bibliography Ahuja, R. (2015). Ethical Issues in marketing. Armstrong, G. (2014). Principles of Marketing. Australia: Pearson. Banerjee, S. (2015). Prioritizing Decisions alternatives For Social Media Planning. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(4), 293-298. Belch,G and Belch ,M. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of elements of intergrated marleting communications. A review of research, 4(1). Blakeman, R. (2014). Intergrated marketing Communication. Rowman and Little field. Chung,T., Park ,J. and Hall- phillips,A. (2016). Whose the screen? Segmenting social venture consumers through social media usage. journal of retailing consumer services, 28, 288-295. Hair, J. (2014). Marketing Research. Australia: McGrawHill Education. Jones, T. 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