Friday, December 20, 2019

What Does Business Mean - 1293 Words

What does business mean to me? Another way of saying commerce? A term that describes production, purchasing or selling? In my point of view, business is a fabulous world where to consult financial situations, expressing the passion in interacting commercial cases. Because I enjoy the beauty of this business world, there is no doubt in my mind that I want to take global business and advertising, marketing, and consumer culture at your summer school. I have been researching on several summer schools, which provide business related courses. However, the only program that caught me attention is the Cambridge Tradition. Not only because the great reputation of the Cambridge campus is spread out the world, but what we will actually learn during the one month of summer is the supreme to me. The amazing opportunity offered by your summer school will allow me to explore the structures of international commerce, the development of economic, engagement of global marketplace, the omnipresence of either marketing or branding, and the power of selling strategies. Furthermore, the method of how your school educates students and assessing student’s learning ability fascinated me. I have always wanted to achieve business conceptions by analyzing real-life case studies or playing business related games. As well, I am more willing to be assessed by integrating me to the real business case, and evaluate how I can apply the knowledge I have learned while encountering the situation.Show MoreRelatedWhat Does It Mean For A New Business Environment?1112 Words   |  5 PagesEvolution is upon us in the business industry. 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