Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Peruse some sources to find a relationship between dress codes and Essay

Peruse some sources to find a relationship between dress codes and success in the work place. Remeber to focus on anglophone cultures - Essay Example This is because an organization’s image is represented by its employees, with outstanding expertise and academics, one’s appearance lay the foundation for perceptions; internal as well as external (Howard, p. 234). Eventually, appearance plays a great deal in one’s success. Dressing in a work appropriate manner portrays one’s seriousness towards their job. If the employer doesn’t dress appropriate, employees would not see him respectfully. Dressing appropriately shows good work ethics, mainly because employees are meant to display a professional image to the clients and customers. Although, dress code provides an opportunity for self-expression, but wearing things inappropriate can hinder the success level (Neil, p.279). Furthermore, certain criteria should not be ignored while dressing for work, like cultural aspects and nature of the job. Organizations give peculiar guidelines regarding dress code to help their workers verify what constitutes fitting and agreeable work environment clothing. In accordance with the Anglophone culture: a suit and wingtips would look perfect on a financial analyst; while it might look out of place on a telephone operator. In the same manner, a professor cannot go to the class wearing miniskirt, or gowns or really casual clothes. Several studies have shown that looking good from outside can make one feel good inside, which is why it is also vital to take care of employees’ comfort. Many companies also have pretty impressive dress code policies, designed in a way that allows employees to have a professional image, as well as respecting the comfort and style element intact. On the other hand, there are companies with formal dress code policies and documents with specific instructions prohibiting women from wearing certain pieces of jewelry and men from wearing cufflinks or sneakers (Workplace Law Handbook, p.179). Guidelines provided by companies for dress code and attire correspond with several factors, such

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