Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Risk Planning Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Risk Planning Management - Essay Example s such, in response to risk, human beings have created and developed mechanisms with which they can avoid, prevent and minimize risk. This reaction stems from the fact that risk is considered as the probability that something could happen which can produce a loss, injury or even death. Contextualizing risk, the contemporary period has created a scheme in approaching risk – risk planning management. In effect risk planning management is protecting people, protecting companies. This notion of risk planning management is made more concrete in the intertwined relationships among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations.In this regard, the study will undertake a critical reflection pertaining to the intertwined relationships among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations. This study aims to carry out a critical reflection regarding the interconnection among the construction industry, risk planning m anagement and fire and rescue operations. This is significant as it affords new insights regarding the connection of construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations in the contemporary period.For this study, a critical reflection on theories as well as on the experiences of the researcher has been employed. In this regard, through critical reflection, a person gains deep learning that enhances not only personal knowledge but also professional skills and decision-making.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Theme of Love in Womans Novels Essay Example for Free

The Theme of Love in Womans Novels Essay My aim is to compare and contrast different kinds of love in the novels The Tenant of Wildfell Hall written by Anne Brontà « and The Mill on the Floss written by George Elliot. I am going to examine and determine a love of parents for their children, a love between siblings, a love between man and woman, and a love of literature and art in these novels. In the novel The Mill on the Floss the heroine Helen has a little son – Arthur and she loves him very much. She takes a good care of him, she is aware where he is and what he is doing, and if she is not around her, she asks about him: â€Å"What was Arthur doing when you came away?† (Brontà «, 55). She tries to provide him a good education and she wants him to become a good man one day. And when he is around his father who has a really bad influence on him, she does everything possible to protect him from the behaviour of his father. Even though his father is a bad person, she does not want her son to hate his father, she only wants him to see that his father is not a good person and that little Arthur does not have to be the same: â€Å"And when you hear such words spoken, Arthur, remember never to repeat them: it is wicked to say such things of others, not to have them said against you† (299). Even though it seems to be impossible to manage it, one day little Arthur sees it: â€Å" ‘I’m sorry papa’s wicked,’ said he mournfully, at length, ‘for I don’t want him to go to hell.’ And so saying he burst into tears† (300). Helen’s love for her son is selfless, patient, and never-stopping – just the way the love of a parent for her or his child is supposed to be. Maggie and Tom, siblings in the novel The Mill on the Floss, have parents who care for them as well. Their father Mr Tulliver wants to provide them with good education: â€Å"what I w ant is to give Tom a good eddication† (Elliot, 14). He knows that he is a bit illiterate so he wants his son to be better, educated, and independent as he has never been. His wife agrees with him: â€Å"Well, Mr. Tulliver, you know best: I’ve no objections† (14). When Tom is sent away from home to get his education, his father visits him when he has a chance: â€Å"It was Mr. Tulliver’s first visit to see Tom† (99). They have good parents-children relationship which is obvious from the actions of Tom and Maggie. After their education they help their father, protect him from bad news when he is deadly ill or when he hurts himself, or when he lost everything they obey him and help him: â€Å"When Maggie reached home that evening, in obedience to her father’s call, he was no longer insensible† (132). The love of Maggie’s parents is not acquisitive and selfless because they do for their children what they need to have better life and they are asking only for obedience. Helen has one brother who is called Frederic, but they are not really close as children, because she lives with her aunt and not with him. But when the trouble with Helen’s husband comes and she needs to run, he helps her without hesitation because blood is thicker than water. And thanks to their distant relationship her husband will never ask him about her: â€Å"Mr. Huntingdon would be the last person to whom he should communicate the intelligence; and that he need not trouble himself to bargain for the child, for he (Frederick) fancied he knew enough of his sister to enable him to declare, that wherever she might be, or however situated, no consideration would induce her to deliver him up† (326). But when she leaves her husband and starts living in Wildfell Hall, they grow closer and he is her regular visitor. And since no one knows who he is to her, everyone including Gilbert, the man who loves her, thinks that they are lovers. Gilbert overhears one of their conversations of loving each other and he misinterprets it: â€Å"I heard quite enough, Helen. And it was well for me that I did hear it; for nothing less could have cured my infatuation† (107). The love of Helen and Frederick for each other is selfless and caring. On the contrary, Maggie and Tom grow up together, they do everything together. Maggie follows Tom everywhere and he is an example for her. Her love for him during childhood is very sincere: â€Å"IT was a heavy disappointment to Maggie that she was not allowed to go with her father in the gig hen he went to fetch Tom home from the academy† (26). But their relationship is as most of the relationships of siblings are – they sometimes argue or tease each other, and sometimes they are impatient with each other, but they are glad to see each other: â€Å"Tom, in the gladness of his heart at having dear old Maggie to dispute with and crow over again, seized her round the waist † (100). Later, when Tom does not agree with the choice of her lover, they argue and he stops speaking to her. But she loves him unconditionally and wants to have a good relationship with him. In the end the stop their disputes and they come to terms with each other: â€Å"The boat reappeared, but brother and sister had gone down in an embrace never to be parted; living through again in one supreme moment the days when they had clasped their little hands in love, and roamed the daisied fields together† (333). The first love of the heroine of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was foolish, reckless, and it almost destroyed her. She chose a man with good looks, who made her laugh, but he was irresponsible and wild and she thought he would change. At the beginning their love was passionate, but soon she realized that he flirts with other women even though he was married and that he thinks of her as an object of his pleasure and does not treat her as an equal partner. His love for her is selfish. On the other hand, her second love, Mr Gilbert Markham, is more matured, but still very passionate and romantic: â€Å"just when I love you more than ever† (331). Their love began as friends: â€Å"Mrs. Graham and I were now established friends† (78). And while being friends, she realised that he is an opposite of her husband and that he treats her as an equal partner and is a good example for her little son. She knows that she cannot marry him so she tries to protect him from being hurt of unfulfilled love: â€Å"‘Now, Gilbert, you must leave me—not this moment, but soon—and you must never come again.’† (331). Their love for each other is selfless and self-sacrificing. Maggie Tulliver has two men in her life that she loves as well. Her first love is Phillip, Tom’s classmate. But at the beginning she pities him more than she loves him because of his deformity. But later they become friends, they talk about the books they read a l ot and their love for each other grows. She thinks of him as a brother, not a lover: â€Å"As if I were not grateful for any love. But—but I had never thought of your being my lover. It seemed so far off—like a dream—only like one of the stories one imagines—that I should ever have a lover† (214). But she soon realises that she can love him more than just as a brother: â€Å"but I don’t think I could love any one better than I love you† (215). On the contrary, her love for Stephen is based on the mutual attraction. Their love is passionate and everything that Phillip cannot give her. The first time she and Stephen are alone there is strong attraction towards each other they cannot explain: â€Å"Did she feel as he did? He hoped she did—not. He ought not to have gone. He would master himself in future. He would make himself disagreeable to her, quarrel with her perhaps. Quarrel with her? Was it possible to quarrel with a creature who had such eyes,—defying and deprecating, contradicting and clinging, imperious and beseeching,—full of delicious opposites? To see such a creature subdued by love for one would be a lot worth having—to another man† (262). One moment they run away together and want to get married, but Maggie comes to her senses, because their love is forbidden by society since Stephen is her cousin’s fiancà ©. Helen Graham is a woman who can play the piano, sing a little, she can dance and she really loves literature. But most of all she loves drawing. Sometimes drawing is the only activity she likes doing: â€Å"My drawing suits me best, for I can draw and think at the same time; and if my productions cannot now be seen by any one but myself, and those who do not care about them, they, possibly, may be, hereafter† (109). Her drawing is so good that she earns some money with her paintings, which she saves for the escape from her husband. When she comes to Wildfell Hall, she still continues drawing. It is one of her favourite past times and she draws the things she likes: â€Å"she left us and proceeded along the steep, stony hill, to a loftier, more precipitous eminence at some distance, whence a still finer prospect was to be had, where she preferred taking her sketch, though some of the ladies told her it was a frightful place, and advised her not to attempt it† (54). Helen also likes reading a lot, she and Mr Markham often lend each other some books and then discuss it. The love of art is fulfilling for her, it is calming her and helping her overcome bad moments of her life. It is Maggie’s love of literature that is fascinating. Her desire for knowledge and to know everything is never-ending. As a little child she reads a lot, she has read the books that other children have not and the books she should not have read at her age: â€Å"The ’History of the Devil,’ by Daniel Defoe,—not quite the right book for a little girl,† said Mr. Ri ley† (20). This desire for knowledge does not go weaker when she is older. Every time she visits Tom at his teacher she is fascinated by everything he is being taught. And it is books she and Phillip talk about every time they meet. They discuss if the books are good or if they would like to be like the main characters: â€Å"Take back your Corinne,† said Maggie, drawing a book from under her shawl. â€Å"You were right in telling me she would do me no good; but you were wrong in thinking I should wish to be like her† (213). When she spends time with her cousin Lucy she starts to like music, but it is books and literature she loves the most: â€Å"The mere concord of octaves was a delight to Maggie, and she would often take up a book of studies rather than any melody, that she might taste more keenly by abstraction the more primitive sensation of intervals. Not that her enjoyment of music was of the kind that indicates a great specific talent; it was rather that her sensibility to the supreme excitement of music was only one form of that passionate sensibility which belonged to her whole nature† (257). Her love of books and literature and all art is really passionate and never ending. To sum up, the theme of love is present greatly in both novels – The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and The Mill on the Floss. Parental love in both these novels is selfless and caring, while the love of siblings differs. Helen is distant with her brother at the beginning, but then they become close. Their love is the kind of love which does not want anything in return. The love between Maggie and Tom goes through several stages. While Maggie’s love is sincere and stable, Tom’s love goes through the stage of coldness. But in the end he still loves his sister. Both heroines have two men they fall in love with in their lives, and even though they are totally different they both know what it means to love passionately. Also the love of art and literature differs. While Maggie’s love of art and literature is passionate as she is passionate about everything in her life, the love of literature and art is calmer for Helen. The theme of love is depicted a bit differently in these two novels but it is portrayed in a big aspect. Work cited Brontà «, Anne. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. N.p.: Pennsylvania State University, 2003. Print. Elliot, George. The Mill on the Floss. Vol. IX. N.p.: Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, 2000. Print.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Theme of Justice in King Lear Essay examples -- King Lear essays

The Theme of Justice in King Lear      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many themes are evident in King Lear, but perhaps one of the most prevalent relates to the theme of justice.   Shakespeare has developed a tragedy that allows us to see man's decent into chaos.   Although Lear is perceived as "a man more sinned against than sinning" (p.62), the treatment of the main characters encourages the reader to reflect on the presence or lack of justice in this world.   The characters also vary in their inclination to view the world from either a fatalistic or moralistic point of view, depending on their beliefs about the presence or absence of a higher power.   The theme of justice in relation to higher powers can be illustrated from the perspective of King Lear, Gloucester, and Edgar.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When reading King Lear, it is helpful to understand the Elizabethan "Chain of Being" in which nature is viewed as order. Rosenblatt (1984) states that there was a belief in   an established hierarchy within the universe.   Everything had its own relative position beginning with Heaven, the Divine Being, and the stars and planets which are all above. On earth the king is next, then the nobles, on down to the peasantry.   Holding the lowest position were the beggars and lunatics and finally, the animals.   Interrupting this order is unnatural.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   King Lear's sin was that he disrupted this chain of being by relinquishing his throne.   By allowing his daughters and their husbands to rule the kingdom, the natural order of things was disturbed.   His notion that he can still be in control after dividing the kingdom is a delusion.   According to Elizabethan philosophy, it wou... ...the universal conflict that members of society have always had in understanding their fate in this world.    Works Cited and Consulted Bradley, A.C. "King Lear." 20Lh Century Interpretations of King Lear. Ed. Jane Adelman. New Jersev; Prentice-Hall, 1978. Colie, Rosalie. Some Faces of King Lear. Ed. R. Colie & F.T. Flahiff. UniversitV of Toronto Press, 1994. Curry, Walter. Shakespeare s Philosophical Patterns. London: Mass Peter  Ã‚   Smith, 1968.  Ã‚   Hunter, Robert G. Criticism on Shakespeare s Tragedies.. University of Georgia Press, 1996. Matthews, Richard. "Edmund's Redemption in King Lear". Shakespeare Quarterly. Winter, 19q5. pps. 25-29. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Canada Inc. Toronto. 1990. Snyder, Susan. "King Lear and the Prodigal Son." Shakespeare Quarterly. Autumn 1966. pps. 361-369.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

iNTERNATIONAL TRADE :: essays research papers fc

International Trade Understanding the culture in a country or region in which you are doing business is a critical skill for the international business person. Without this knowledge, a successful outcome to the business venture can be in jeopardy. â€Å"The level of world output in any given year influences the level of international trade in that year.† By this it means that the slower the world economy is the less international trade and the higher the economy the higher the volume of trade. "Globalization" is a term that came into popular usage in the 1980's to describe the increased movement of people, knowledge and ideas, and goods and money across national borders that has led to increased interconnectedness among the world's populations, economically, politically, socially and culturally. Although globalization is often thought of in economic terms, this process has many social and political implications as well. Many in local communities associate globalization with modernization. At the global level, globalization is thought of in terms of the challenges it poses to the role of governments in international affairs and the global economy. There are heated debates about globalization and its positive and negative effects. While globalization is thought of by many as having the potential to make societies richer through trade and to bring knowledge and information to people around the world, there are many others who perceive globalization as contributing to the exploitation of the poor by the rich, and as a threat to traditional cultures as the process of modernization changes societies. There are some who link the negative aspects of globalization to terrorism. To put a complicated discussion in simple terms, they argue that exploitative or declining conditions contribute to the lure of informal "extremist" networks that commit criminal or terrorist acts internationally. And thanks to today's technology and integrated societies, these networks span throughout the world. It is in this sense that terrorism, too, is "globalized." Increasingly over the past two centuries, economic activity has become more globally oriented and integrated. Some economists argue that it is no longer meaningful to think in terms of national economies; international trade has become central to most local and domestic economies around the world. Among the major high-income economies, sometimes referred to as the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, 60 percent of the total economic production, or GDP, is associated with international trade. Thirty-four percent comes from trade between high-income and low-and middle-income nations.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Serious Were The Problems Facing Nicholas I at the Start of His Reign? Essay

Nicholas I faced a series of problems ranging in severity at the start of his reign as Tsar, including the Decembrists conspiracy, the Polish revolt and the Russian economy. However the first problem of Nicholas’ reign was in fact the problem of who would become Tsar, himself of his brother Constantine. Since the previous Tsar, Alexander I, had had no children, the rightful heir was his brother Constantine, and next in line was his younger brother Nicholas. With news that Constantine had married and Polish Catholic and renounced his claim to the throne, Nicholas’ was to publish a manifesto declaring himself Tsar. But Milaroadovich, the Governor General of St Petersburg, reminded Nicholas of the custom of proclaiming the eldest living heir Tsar. With this advice given, Nicholas decided to take it, as he knew that the Guards had previously played a part in the succession of many a Tsar. Therefore Nicholas proclaimed Constantine Tsar only for Constantine to do the same to Nicholas. In the end, Constantine refused to travel to St Petersburg from Warsaw, and renounced his claim to the throne and thus proclaimed Nicholas I Tsar. The problem of the succession itself was not too serious but the fact that the Tsar and its administration were in a state of flux had some serious repercussions. This gave more breathing space for the Decembrists to plan their assassination attempt on Nicholas. On 14th December 1825, Nicholas was ready for the Oath of Allegiance ceremony. On that day Nicholas had been informed of both the Northern Society and the Southern Society by General Miloradovich. The general informed Nicholas that the Northern Society’s activities were being monitored, which was true, and that they posed no real threat, which was more debatable. There was definitely unease in the way Nicholas felt he should deal with the problem, he decided to go with Miloradovich’s plans of accepting that he was safe from the Northern Society as he had been reassured that they did not pose a significant threat. Nicholas was worried that if direct action had been used against the conspirators, it might provoke the revolt he sought to avoid. The problem of the Northern and Southern Society was made worse when a Tsar adviser Rostovstev chose to inform the Northern Society of his meeting with the Tsar of the society itself. The leak of information was a serious problem for the new Tsar, although Nicholas probably remained ignorant in the case of Rostovstev. However Rostovstev caused panic the Northern Society, which caused some officers to withdraw quietly but other others decided to go ahead with plan. Nearing the time of the allegiance ceremony, Miloradovich was shot by gathering rebels after trying to negotiate with them. Nicholas then took decisive action and crushed the Decembrist revolt with artillery fire. It was the conjuncture of the attempt on his life; the assassination of his general and leak of information that made the Decembrist revolt a problem of the utmost severity to Nicholas. The revolution so early on in his reign made Nicholas I more reactionary and more suspicious of liberal ideas. Another problem, that faced the majority of Tsar, but was of more prominence in the reign of Nicholas, was the problem of the Russian economy. Nicholas was keen on the idea of a railway system in Russia whereas his chief economic Minister Kankrin was more conservative and felt that it would only encourage the spreading of western ideas and encourage people to travel around more. Another problem was the fact that Russian had fallen seriously behind Western Europe in terms of production, with England far more progressed than Russia could even think. This economic problem brought up the issue of the social system of Russia, and whether or not it was possible to flourish economically without the abolition of Serfdom which was seen as a huge hindrance to Russia trade and it development. This problem was a very serious one, as it needed incredible intellect to find a solution that protected the Tsar’s autocracy and serfdom and that still developed the Russian economy. Another problem at the start of Nicholas I’s reign as the Polish Revolt of 1830 and 1831, a revolt that took place due to the spreading of revolutionary ideas from the like of France and Belgium. It was in November 1830 when the revolutionary ideas hit Poland and the Poles rose in revolt against their Russian overlords. Constantine, Nicholas’ brother, had failed to contain the situation and the revolutionaries had the support of the Polish army. It was nine months until the revolution was suppressed, and the uprising cost many Russian lives, including Constantine’s who died of cholera. Nicholas thought it best to revoke the constitution and replace it with a much more restrictive statute. Universities at Warsaw and Vilna were closed and from then on until the death of Nicholas, Poland was ruled under martial law and the administration was place under greater Russian control. Nicholas aimed to â€Å"russify† Poland, and to impose Russian ways, institutions and beliefs and eradicate the local customs, institutions and beliefs. All in all, Nicholas I faced some very serious problems at the start of his reign in 1825, right from the day he was proclaimed Tsar. It was these incidents at the beginning of his reign such as the Decembrist Revolution and the Polish Revolt that made Nicholas a very reactionary Monarch in the later years of his reign.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Use of Science in Frankenstein and Present Day Society essays

Use of Science in Frankenstein and Present Day Society essays In our world today, science plays a vital role in many different aspects. Science is important in roles such as aiding the sick, and finding cures. Although many people believe science can only do well for society, there are many ways science can be responsible for negative outcomes. In the motion picture, Frankenstein, director James Whale shows how some aspects of science, one being the creation of life, can have harmful results. In our world, such examples as cloning and nuclear energy also raise questions about harmful results. In the field of science, many creations or ideas have bad outcomes in their finished products. In Frankenstein, Dr. Henry Frankenstein uses science to attempt to successfully create a perfect human being. By mistake, his assistant takes a criminal brain instead of a normal brain. Unaware of the mistake, Henry continues with his creation. When he is first brought to life, he seems to be harmless, seems to listen well, and seems like he is a perfect creation. Shortly after, however, he begins to notice many things wrong with him. After he finds out though that his creation turned out defective, things began to turn horrific. He was uneducated, disobedient, and destructive. A scene that exemplifies this is when the monster is playing by the lake with the little girl. The girl shows the monster how the flowers float. After she demonstrates, the monster makes a flower float, and becomes fascinated. From observing the flower, the monster then attempts to throw the little girl into the lake, believing she will float as well, however, she cannot swim, and ends up drowning. Since he was not educated, he was not aware that all objects do not float. The monster, ironically, also almost killed his creator, Dr. Frankenstein, which is also a fear of science in out society today. In todays world, science plays such a vital role. Science aids and advances the field of health tremendously, by fi...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Family formations, breakdowns and re

Family formations, breakdowns and re Introduction This paper is an article critique of a sociology journal written by Cabrera, Shannon Tamis-LeMonda (2007). The article explores the influence of fathers on children’s cognitive and emotional development. Cabrera et al. (2007) specifically concentrated on exploring this relationship by focusing on the emotional and cognitive development of toddlers and pre-kindergarten children.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Family formations, breakdowns and re-formations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This study exposed three main objectives to establish how resident fathers interacted with their children (toddlers), to find out how financial and human capabilities of fathers affect the quality of their relationship with their children, and to explore how spousal relationships affect the quality of parent engagement with their children. Lastly, the paper also strived to establish how the presence and support of fathers affected their children’s cognitive and emotional development. In their study, Cabrera et al. (2007) say that most children who receive support from their fathers tend to have better emotional and cognitive development than those who do not receive this support. Here, a key interest for Cabrera et al. (2007) is the positive effect of fathers on their children’s language development and emotion regulation. The researchers said, compared to mothers, fathers had a better effect on helping their children to regulate their emotions, while mothers had a negative influence in this regard (Cabrera et al., 2007). Comparatively, the study also found out that most fathers had a negative effect on their children’s language development, at pre-kindergarten stage. The same influence was however neutral for the regulation of social and emotional skills. Cabrera et al. (2007) formulated the above findings through the adoption of the â€Å"Dynamics of Paternal Influ ences on Children over the Life Course model† (Cabrera et al., 2007, p. 209). This model was highly appropriate for the researchers because it outlined how parental characteristics affected the emotional and cognitive development of children. In sum, Cabrera et al. (2007) emphasized the importance of fathers’ supportive influence on children’s development. Relevance of the Article to Family Formation Family formation is a very broad issue that transcends the traditional conception of the idea (concerning how people live together as one). At the heart of family formation is the role of children in the family. Children therefore emerge as important people in the formation of families. Indeed, as MYM (2013) reports, most people see families as incomplete social units, if they do not have children. Certainly, children guarantee the future existence of humanity because they comprise future generations and new ways of thinking in human psychology. Therefore, even as in dividualism gains credence as an acceptable social philosophy (Cherlin, 2013), it is important to understand humanity beyond the existence of parents. People can therefore only understand the future of humanity through children because children bring new meaning to family life.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The article by Cabrera et al. (2007) is important in the understanding of family formations because it highlights the importance of the father as part of the entire ecosystem that affects family formation. Since fathers are a critical part of the family ecosystem, their contributions to the growth and development of toddlers and pre-kindergarten children highlight a small part of this analysis because the emotional and cognitive developments of children are bound to affect the overall health of the family. In other words, as supported by the findings of Cabrera et al. (2007), the influence and support of fathers in their children’s development improves the cognitive and emotional development of children, thereby improving the overall well-being of the family. This is because emotionally vibrant children are more likely to develop and become socially healthy people (Cabrera et al., 2007). Comprehensively, the positive influence of fathers on children development highlights the role of healthy children in family formation. Relation to Other Researchers Cherlin (1995) has investigated the role of fathers in their children’s well-being by analyzing the impact of parental divorce on the demographic outcomes of young adults. In his analysis, Cherlin (1995) established that most children who enjoyed the attention of both parents tend to report positive emotional and cognitive growth, thereby leading to positive demographic outcomes as well. Comparatively, Cherlin (1995) says, children who grow up in â€Å"broken† families often show signs of dysfunctional emotional and cognitive development, especially in their early years as adults. The findings of Cherlin (1995) compare to the findings of Cabrera et al. (2007) because both sets of authors investigate the role of parents in their children’s well-being. Moreover, both sets of authors investigate the role of parents in the emotional and cognitive development of their children. While Cabrera et al. (2007) focus on the role of the fathers in the well-being of their children, Cherlin (1995) focuses on the role of both parents in the cognitive and emotional development of their children. Both studies can however be easily pooled to explain how parents affect the cognitive and emotional development of their children. Although Cabrera et al. (2007) investigate the influence of parental involvement in early childhood development (especially when children are between the toddler and pre-kindergarten stages); Cherlin (1995) explains the role of parental invo lvement in early adulthood. By combining the focus of both sets of authors, it is correct to say their contributions are informative in the study of early childhood development. Moreover, both sets of authors largely underscore family formation outcomes, especially through the understanding of emotional and cognitive development.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Family formations, breakdowns and re-formations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The findings of Cabrera et al. (2007) do not only relate to the work of Cherlin (1995) because they also outline a very close relation to the works of Meezan Rauch (2005) who investigate the well-being of children in heterosexual marriages and same-sex marriages. In their study, Meezan Rauch (2005) say children who grow up in families where parents are of the same sex, do not develop differently from children who grow up in families headed by heterosexual parents. The main poin t advanced by Meezan Rauch (2005) is the lack of significant differences in emotional and cognitive outcomes for children raised by heterosexual parents and children raised by same-sex parents. The article therefore established that same-sex parents almost had the same positive parental impact that heterosexual parents do. Like Cabrera et al. (2007) and Cherlin (1995), studies by Meezan and Rauch (2005) also focus on the emotional and cognitive development of children. The only difference between the studies of Meezan and Rauch (2005) and Cabrera et al. (2007) is the emphasis on same-sex parenting, as opposed to heterosexual parenting. Nonetheless, the findings of the three sets of authors focus on family development, through the analysis on children’s well-being. An analysis of these interrelated studies highlights childhood development as an important sociological discipline. Even though the researchers described above highlight the importance of understanding childhood de velopment and the impact of parental relationships in this analysis, their focus on this topic also highlights the complexities that are involved in human development and the psychosocial processes that affect our cognitive and emotional well-being. Interestingly, the focus on childhood development also helps to shed light on some commonly misconceived social issues affecting modern families today (like the quality of parental support that same-sex marriages would offer children). Their findings therefore provide a holistic understanding of childhood development and the formation, or re-formation, of families in this regard (Cherlin, 2013). Conclusion Childhood development manifests as the focus of this paper. The emotional and cognitive development processes of children especially manifest as a core interest in the study of Cabrera et al. (2007). The authors propose that most programs that aim to support the contribution of fathers in childhood development processes are likely to h ave a positive impact on family formation, as they guarantee the positive cognitive and emotional well-being of children (Cabrera et al., 2007).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These findings highlight the works of other researchers who have stressed the role of fathers in improving the emotional and cognitive outcomes of children (Naz, 2010; Madsen, 2007). Future studies should however strive to determine how the role of fathers in childhood development position within the larger continuum of human development. Stated differently, future studies should address how the role of parents fits in the wider ecology of human development. In such analyses, future studies should also address how parental involvement fits within the ecological systems theory because the ecological systems theory contains crucial tenets of human development, such as the roles, norms, and rules of childhood development (Barrera, 2008). References Barrera, I. (2008). An Ecological Systems Theory Approach in Looking at Mental  Health Care Barriers in the Latino Community. New York, US: ProQuest. Cabrera, N., Shannon, J., Tamis-LeMonda, C. (2007). Fathers Influence on their Childrens Cognitive and Emotional Development: From Toddlers to Pre-K. Applied Development Science, 11(4), 208-213. Cherlin, A. (1995). Parental Divorce in Childhood and Demographic Outcomes in  Young Adulthood. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University. Cherlin, A. (2013). Public and Private Families: An Introduction. New York, US: McGraw-Hill. Madsen, S. (2007). Developing leadership: exploring childhoods of women university presidents. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(1), 99 – 118. Meezan, W., Rauch J. (2005). Gay Marriage, Same-Sex Parenting, and Americas Children. Future Child, 15(2), 97-115. MYM. (2013). Importance of A Child in the Family. Web. Naz, G. (2010). Usage of parental leave by fathers in Norway. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 30(5), 313 – 325.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

All About Levees in the U.S.

All About Levees in the U.S. A levee is a type of dam or wall, usually a man-made embankment, that acts as a barrier between water and property. It is often a raised berm that runs along a river or canal. Levees reinforce a rivers banks and help prevent flooding. By constricting and confining the flow, however, levees can also increase the speed of the water. Levees can fail in at least two ways: (1) the structure is not high enough to stop rising waters, and (2) the structure is not strong enough to hold back rising waters. When a levee breaks at a weakened area, the levee is considered breached, and water flows through the breach or hole. A levee system often includes pumping stations as well as embankment. A levee system can fail if one or more of the pumping stations fail. Definition of Levee A man-made structure, usually an earthen embankment or concrete floodwall, designed and constructed in accordance with sound engineering practices to contain, control, or divert the flow of water so as to provide reasonable assurance of excluding temporary flooding from the leveed area. - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Types of Levees Levees can be natural or man-made. A natural levee is formed when sediment settles on the river bank, raising the level of the land around the river. To construct a man-made levee, workers pile dirt or concrete along the river banks (or parallel to any body of water that may rise), to create an embankment. This embankment is flat at the top, and slopes at an angle down to the water. For added strength, sandbags are sometimes placed over dirt embankments. Origin of the Word The word levee (pronounced LEV-ee) is an Americanism - that is, a word used in the United States, but not anywhere else in the world. It should come as no surprise that levee originated in the great port city of New Orleans, Louisiana, at the mouth of the flood-prone Mississippi River. Coming from the French word  levà ©e and the French verb lever meaning to raise, handmade embankments to protect farms from seasonal floods became known as levees. A dike serves the same purpose as a levee, but that word comes from the Dutch dijk or German deich. Levees Around the World A levee is also known as a floodbank, stopbank, embarkment, and storm barrier. Although the structure goes by different names, levees protect the land in many parts of the world. In Europe, levees prevent flooding along the Po, Vistula, and Danube rivers. In the United States, you will find important levee systems along the Mississippi, Snake, and Sacramento Rivers. In California, an aging levee system is used in Sacramento and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Poor maintenance of the Sacramento levees have made the area prone to flooding. Global warming has brought stronger storms and greater risks of flooding. Engineers are seeking alternatives to levees for flood control. The answer may lie in modern flood control technologies used in England, Europe, and Japan. Levees, New Orleans, and Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, Louisiana, is largely below sea level. The systematic construction of its levees began in the 19th century and continued into the 20th century as the federal government became more involved with engineering and funding. In August 2005, several levees along waterways of Lake Ponchartrain failed, and water covered 80% of New Orleans. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers designed the levees to withstand the forces of a fast-blowing Category 3 storm; they werent strong enough to survive the Category 4 Hurricane Katrina. If a chain is as strong as its weakest link, a levee is as functional as its structural weakness. A full year before Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, Walter Maestri, the emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, was quoted in the New Orleans Times-Picayune: It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us. - June 8, 2004 (one year before Hurricane Katrina) Levees as Infrastructure Infrastructure is a framework of communal systems. In the 18th and 19th centuries, farmers created their own levees to protect their fertile farmland from inevitable floods. As more and more people became dependent on other people for growing their food, it made sense that flood mitigation was everyones responsibility and not simply the local farmer. Through legislation, the federal government helps states and localities with engineering and subsidizing the cost of levee systems. Flood insurance has also become a way for people living in high risk areas can help with the cost of levee systems. Some communities have combined flood mitigation with other public works projects, such as highways along riverbanks and hiking paths in recreation areas. Other levees are nothing more than functional. Architecturally, levees can be aesthetically pleasing feats of engineering. The Future of Levees Todays levees are being engineered for resilience and built for double duty - protection when needed and recreation in the off-season. Creating a levee system has become a partnership among communities, counties, states, and federal government entities. Risk assessment, construction costs, and insurance liabilities combine in a complex soup of action and inaction for these public works projects. The building of levees to mitigate flooding will continue to be an issue as communities plan and build for extreme weather events, a predictable unpredictability from climate change. Sources USACE Program Levees, US Army Corps of Engineers at States of Shame, by Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, September 3, 2005 [accessed August 12, 2016]History of Levees, FEMA, PDF at photos: Mario Tama/Getty Images; Julie Dermansky/Corbis via Getty Images (cropped)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Rise and Fall of Countrywide Home Loans, the Mortgage Crisis, and the Essay - 1

Rise and Fall of Countrywide Home Loans, the Mortgage Crisis, and the Default of the American Dream - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the absence of timely solutions yielded to untold stress and even depression among the citizens who resulted in diverse coping skills depending on one’s inclination. The current crises comprise mortgage recession and unemployment crises that have continued to persist despite the current regime’s recovery efforts (Johnson, 2010). Mortgage crisis that is evident currently, emanated from the Americans' enthusiasm coupled with greedy to own houses (Johnson, 2010). Since owning a house as a property is a pride towards the attainment of the glorified â€Å"American Dream† that has made numerous people in 2007 to be victims of the mortgage crisis. The then mortgage rates and even reimbursement installments where manageable, since banks aided willing borrowers in the project via offering low rates. This was easy cash meant for borrowers, who attained it from option-ARMs to qualify for mortgages with a title or no documentati on. In America, that time almost every person qualified for a mortgage even those having poor credit terms, for instance, subprime borrowers. Unfortunately, the rates and installments meant for the borrowers underwent unpredictable alterations due to the global economic meltdown. This prompted people having their installments paying lagging behind by even three months besides other loans. In addition, the issue of foreclosure crept in due to augmented rates, where over 50% of citizens were at the verge of being homeless (Johnson, 2010). Hence, contributing mutually to physical and psychological miseries result in diverse coping behaviors. Unemployment is an economic challenge, which America currently is undergoing coupled with meager earnings from the majority of its permanent jobs. Joblessness is an aspect that is contributing immensely to the dilapidation of numerous citizens’ health, which at some occasions when it extends beyond certain limits yields to chronic maladies ( Hunter & Gillen, 2009). For instance, mental and psychological related diseases that emanate from prolonged unemployment or even financial difficulties due to unsatisfying scanty wages. Studies depict; individuals who have experienced prolonged joblessness probably over 25 weeks are more likely to suffer from mental complications than those employed, despite the salary they attain. Statistics indicate that whites have the lowest percentage of joblessness of approximately as contrasted to other races; a reason that makes the most affected people being, not the original natives (Johnson, 2010). The study also encompasses those people from the marginalized races, who form the majority and at one time in their life thought that committing suicide was a better option. Recession currently has profoundly affected numerous American aspects that entail both private and public enterprises. Its gravity is due to its nature that it affects all the citizens despite they are either high or lower earners since it entails significantly slowing the economy of the state. Hence, result in the retrenching of employees due to scanty profits. For instance, foreign firms those have invested in America, once they realize that they are not making the anticipated profits. They decide to shrink the workforce, thus leaving numerous people jobless and experiencing harsh financial difficulties, which affect them psychologically due to stress or hopelessness.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Facebook - is it an asset or not Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Facebook - is it an asset or not - Research Paper Example Sometimes, there are chances that we would have more unknown people on our â€Å"friend list† than people we know. Facebook, which is one such popular social network, has grown popular by the day, having millions of members as of now. Like most other options concerning internet, Facebook also has its advantages and disadvantages. This paper discusses the options available to Facebook users which makes it more an asset than a disturbance. Facebook, when used with proper knowledge of privacy and security options is undoubtedly an asset to the cause of social networking. In a world that has been shrunk by the internet and other forms of communication, going to far off places for work or study has become very common, making some form of communication an absolute essential. You can have as many friends as you want, and you can be friends with celebrities, pro athletes, and anybody else who has a Facebook. (Hodge). Considering that leaving messages and sharing pictures can be so much easier with the use of a social networking sites such as Facebook, adds to its popularity. The reason why many friends prefer to stay in touch through Facebook rather than mail is because of the ease of use. All the operations are made easy, simplified and can be shared with an entire group of people. For instance, sharing pictures with friends is always an enjoyable experience, to hear their comments, to compliment or make fun of, it is something that we willingly give in to. Most individuals enjoy commenting on each other status lines, pictures, comments and even play ga mes on Facebook such as Mafia wars, Farmville and Yoville. Organizations can even post on their walls updates regarding upcoming events and gatherings. (Findlay). Most people enjoy these aspects of Facebook as a form of time pass or entertainment, while getting to know new people through other friends and keeping in touch with the old

American Creation by Joesph Ellis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Creation by Joesph Ellis - Essay Example Writing about great historical personalities without idolizing or condemning them had been his style. The book under review, American Creation, Which details events from 1775 to 1803, is thus another typical work by Joseph Ellis. American Creation is a critical revisit to the founding years of America. This country and its ideals were formulated by the bold and creative experiments in political ideals by a group of men highly dedicated and determined, in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. There were historical occasions when they triumphed, but there were tragedies too. Both triumphs and tragedies contributed to the shaping the United States. The book takes us through the first shots fired at Lexington to signing of the Declaration of Independence to the Louisiana Purchase. As the process of history unveils, some philosophies emerge, some alliances get shifted, and some personalities fade in who later are to become the iconic leaders of the nation ----Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Adams. Ellis argues that the American Revolution, unlike the French Revolution, was more an evolution. The gradual and slow pace at which it happened makes it extra ordinary. In the prologue of the book Ell is makes this point clear thus: â€Å"In terms of creativity, the control of pace was almost as impressive as the control of space. The founders opted for an evolutionary rather than revolutionary version of political and social change, preferring to delay delivery of full promise of the American Revolution rather than risk implosion in the mode of French Revolution.† (American Creation—Prologue) .The American experiment in freedom and democracy was unique. America rejected monarchial system of the old world, and experimented with democracy and republicanism. This uniqueness was what President Abraham Lincoln expressed when he called America, â€Å"the last, best, hope of earth†. The two-party

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Civil Disobedience - Gandhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Civil Disobedience - Gandhi - Essay Example e to easily suppress the incidences of violent uprising, but the civil disobedience movement was launched on a widespread scale and proved to be a tactic that the British were simply unable to defeat through military means. Gandhi has played an unforgettable role in the history of India and is referred to as Bapu, or the Father of the nation, due to his valuable contribution in bringing about a retreat of British forces from India. Gandhi first commenced the civil disobedience in South Africa, when he was practicing as a lawyer. Angered by the discrimination that was heaped upon black South African majority and his Indian brothers by the white minority, Gandhi encouraged these people to refuse to cooperate with practices they were expected to follow that only denigrated them more. He gave up his lucrative legal practice in order to become the leader of the Indian community that was comprised of despised traders and laborers. ( and devised his policy of civil disobedience or a quiet non violent refusal to comply with unjust practices that were an attack on human dignity. Gandhi later utilized the civil disobedience movement very successfully in his home country of India, in resisting British rule and demanding that they leave India. He initiated the Non cooperation movement in 1921-22. Indians boycotted British goods and chose to use only Indian products. The crowd and masses quite simply refused to obey orders and the British found themselves helpless in dealing with people who openly disobeyed rules but did not resist arrest and did not retort with violence to any draconian British measures to maintain law and order. There was however, a constant demand from the asses for the British to quit India. Two decades after the movement was first commenced, Gandhi was successful in achieving the goal of Swaraj, or complete independence.( Falk (2003) has argued that the potential of the civil disobedience movement in bringing

The Historical Foundation of Physical Education Essay

The Historical Foundation of Physical Education - Essay Example The Historical Foundation of Physical Education Take the idea of Allen Guttman, he described Modern Olympic Movement as weak and highly influenced by commercialism of today. According to him, there are major forces that drive the Olympic today and one of them is politics in sports. He further emphasized that Olympic Games are too complex, too prone to internal and external forces, and too appealing in different ways to vested interest groups global-wide. On the other hand, Robert Mechnikoff in his book had noticed minimal discrepancy for he focused his discussion on the historical and philosophical perspective of sports. For him, many people who have involved in sports seem to forget the value of building good character and healthy body. Many people today engaged in physical activities in order to acquire ideal body built and follow the norm of today’s gymnast enthusiasts. It is quite obvious that many people who are successful in their chosen sports have never been into college because of financial reason. Take for instance the Filipino boxing champ Manny Pacquiao who is a boxer since childhood. He gets into this sport because according to him, this is the only way he can do to support his poor family. A Mexican boxer Oscar Larios is also from a poor family who found fortune in the boxing arena. The wrestling superstar Batista on the other hand, became famous and financially successful; though, in his childhood, his family could not send him to college.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Civil Disobedience - Gandhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Civil Disobedience - Gandhi - Essay Example e to easily suppress the incidences of violent uprising, but the civil disobedience movement was launched on a widespread scale and proved to be a tactic that the British were simply unable to defeat through military means. Gandhi has played an unforgettable role in the history of India and is referred to as Bapu, or the Father of the nation, due to his valuable contribution in bringing about a retreat of British forces from India. Gandhi first commenced the civil disobedience in South Africa, when he was practicing as a lawyer. Angered by the discrimination that was heaped upon black South African majority and his Indian brothers by the white minority, Gandhi encouraged these people to refuse to cooperate with practices they were expected to follow that only denigrated them more. He gave up his lucrative legal practice in order to become the leader of the Indian community that was comprised of despised traders and laborers. ( and devised his policy of civil disobedience or a quiet non violent refusal to comply with unjust practices that were an attack on human dignity. Gandhi later utilized the civil disobedience movement very successfully in his home country of India, in resisting British rule and demanding that they leave India. He initiated the Non cooperation movement in 1921-22. Indians boycotted British goods and chose to use only Indian products. The crowd and masses quite simply refused to obey orders and the British found themselves helpless in dealing with people who openly disobeyed rules but did not resist arrest and did not retort with violence to any draconian British measures to maintain law and order. There was however, a constant demand from the asses for the British to quit India. Two decades after the movement was first commenced, Gandhi was successful in achieving the goal of Swaraj, or complete independence.( Falk (2003) has argued that the potential of the civil disobedience movement in bringing

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Medieval history significance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medieval history significance - Essay Example By the start of the eleventh century most of Europe was christianized, and the earlier period of Viking invasions and barbarian ransacking of Christian communities had ceased. Religion was an increasingly a key factor in the middle of the medieval age, and it affected daily life by providing stability, education and a cultural framework which covered almost the whole of the territory which had been claimed by Charlemagne in the ninth century. In 1056 religious unity was broken by a split between the Western and Eastern areas of Christendom and this resulted in the two separate Church traditions which we still have today: The Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. The Norman conquest brought French ways and culture to England after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. William the Conqueror decided to have a survey made of England, and this resulted in the Doomsday Book of 1086. This event was important because it provided a unique record into the lives of everyday people in medi eval England.

Early Retirement Plan Essay Example for Free

Early Retirement Plan Essay This paper presents early retirement plan, one classical and very popular case which takes place internationally and a part of the business and financial strategy of different kind of enterprises, especially the very large ones. This project entails a detailed discussion and financial or accounting application on the proposed alternative strategies and the data derived by the financial statements. As a reply to the Chairmans memorandum, bearing in mind the academic content of the program of Financial Reporting Management Accounting, the early retirement plan issue in the financial and accounting function of the organization blends with the theoretical aspects with the practical situation that the organization is currently facing. It is said that â€Å"a country, which is unable to develop its people and utilize them effectively in the national economy, would be unable to develop anything else† (Dosi, Winter, 2002). As a new labor economist, let me first define what a human resource is. This refers to the number of people and their level of skills. Human capital is related to this which is defined as the productive investments embodied in human persons, and it includes the abilities, skills, ideals, and health resulting from expenditures on education, training, attitude towards work, among others. In matching employers and employees, employees will try to get to the highest levels of utility possible (Blanchard Katz, 1997, p. 3). They will choose that indifference curve that gives them the maximum level of utility. However, they are constrained by what employers are willing to offer. The less risk the lower the wage and the higher the risk the greater the wage rate. Firms on the other hand try to maximize profits. On the other hand given that the labor market is economical they can not present higher than market rates for the reason that their expenditures will be collegial and they will be driven out of commerce by near to the ground asking price of manufacturers. If they offer to low a wage then they will not be able to attract any workers. Thus their profits are usually normal because of the competitive nature of the market. The net effects for wage increase are the following: if substitution effect is greater than income effect, then hours of work rise, and if substitution effect is less than income effect, then hours of work fall (Aoki Yoshikawa, 2003, p. 39). If a worker is enthusiastic about his or her job, this represents that an increase in the wage rate will cause a person to work more which involves substitution effect. In spite of this, if extended work time turns out to be the custom in a community, these periods in all probability are not intentional and it stands for a lack of spare time. Even though specific people may reduce their hours of work as the market wage rises, labor supply curves of specific labor markets generally are positively sloped over realistic wage ranges. Higher relative wages attract workers away from either household production, leisure, or other labor markets and toward the labor market in which the wage increased. While there are people who have positive relationship of wage rate and work hours and some have inverse relationship of the two, there are also people who have backward-bending labor supply curves. It occurs when the labor supply curve is positively sloped in some ranges of the wage and negatively sloped in other ranges. If the replacement upshot is larger than the revenue consequence, the work supply curve will incline rising to the right side. This person will persist to add to his supply of work services as the pay rate rises up to a position where he is functioning definite hours. Further than this spot he will begin to decrease the quantity of work time he provides. Where the supply curve is sloping upwards to the right, the affirmative salary elasticity of work supply, the changeover outcome is larger than the returns result as stated by Belot and Ours, 2000, p. 76). The opposite upshot occurs when it slopes upwards to the left. The track of incline may alter more than once for a quantity of persons, and the work supply curve is to be expected to be dissimilar for diverse persons. Other factors that have an effect on this choice take in dues, wellbeing or interests, and labor milieu. An example is a student working more, since more work hours means more income or higher wage. A low wage rate means smaller quantity of work chances for young people, who are apt to take part-time jobs to have less of a connection to the work market. Quite the reverse, the result on low-wage elders, who almost certainly have a robust regard to the personnel, chiefly crops up through a decrease in labor time. Either means, nevertheless, the ending of most interest-earned revenue is alike, with off-putting upshots of least amount of pays apparent for those originally were at the smallest amount or salaries just above it. From the strategic market planning, firms may come up with good marketing study. Consumer examination responds to principal inquiries concerning every definite item for consumption or service offered in the market. Crucial contender investigation and SWOT analysis may be applied. By this SWOT study, it characterizes the classification and taking the full advantage of the strengths, curtailing the weaknesses, making the most out of opportunities, and offsetting the threats (Julien, Kennes, King, 2000, p. 619). The yield of a firm SWOT examination will help various business ventures in forming their marketing ideas and purposes. At this instant with the strategic planning tools at hand, primarily, business enterprises can now set up, design, and prepare long term aspects for multi-trained communication and dealings core and project back-office settings or situations; building up most favorable conscription procedures that reduce outlay while coming to get certain objectives and offering supervisors with the facts they must have to go through and hastily consent financial plans, labor force personnel running, optimization, and quality monitoring. Secondly, the firms can now measure or gauge the outfitted and pecuniary paybacks and effects of diverse circumstances ahead of constructing resolutions. Third is that they can already enhance forecasting precision with advanced scrutiny of historical information. They can eventually plan their wherewithal ahead to replicate anticipated client demands and plan their allocation of resources in venturing for other projects in the future. With this, firms can turn out this preparation development a group endeavor. They can now request everybody concerned in putting into practice the strategy for proposition. Strategic market arrangement must be an existing method to occasionally make another study of firms’ standing. They may keep each and every team associates informed of the marketing and administration advancement in and amend the strategy as challenging prospects become apparent to improve the profitability of various business entities. Setting up promptly will very much make better the pecuniary future of the company. It will offer a practical vision of the retirement prospect in respect of how currency and investments will function. The company will realize entirely at what time it is best to displace people or on the other side when an employee must retire. Early retirement plan is not in relation to what time will displace or one will give up work but how the company will displace or the employee will stop working. With some companies becoming less dependable and their retirement’s procedures less advantageous, a firm retirement arrangement is considered necessary at the present more than ever. No one can forecast the future, nevertheless planning can be of great use so either the company or the member of staff will know when to leave and most significantly, will the portfolio last the projected existence. The secret of pragmatic retirement planning relies on the following set of statements. The solution is to be actually transparent regarding the association between the profits supplies, operating costs, price increases rates, and what pertinent individual would like to achieve in retirement. Early retirement planning bids aspects in explicit retirement objectives and requirements, together with a lot of other factors of existence. Early-retirement encouragement agendas are currently the most accepted process which business enterprises employ to attain a diminution in the personnel. And for corporations in the middle of unions, conquests, or cutting back, they have been a method to decrease discharges. When times become shoddier, businesses economize. Early-retirement diplomacies are typically the system that they attempt to accomplish so in as humanitarian an approach as probable. The pros and cons of the strategies are extremely unambiguous and quantifiable for owners or managers. Early-retirement motivation campaigns may appear to be chiefly engaging if times are hard-hitting and people involved sense that there are no assurances that they will be able to maintain the occupation if they do not acknowledge the proposal (Card Hyslop, 1996, p. 5538). The tactics are quite convincing, however then again, several of them proffer a great deal which less than comes across the eye. Crafting subjects worse, odds are that if people are challenged with an early-retirement inducement arrangement, people will have no more than a month or so to appraise the proposition. Even a beefed-up early-retirement annuity is expected to be noticeably lesser than the allowance that could be anticipated if people sustained to labor. That is for the reason that the annuity is almost certainly based on the standard of what is received in the last few periods the people went to work. Even if the early-retirement enticement plot appends bonus periods of service and extra time of age to the allowance method, it would not be adept to build up the discrepancy between the standard pay for the last periods and the probably elevated typical wage for the last years if people were to keep on working. If the additional periods of vacation are worth the abridged reimbursements, in that case the critical matter is not how the early-retirement packet measures up to the usual retirement alternatives but whether the parcel is adequate to come to get the retirement-income requirements. To resolve that, people will have to cast the retirement returns and everyday expenditures. As a fulltime research administrator to direct a study agenda for the next segment in the company, he must take into account the evolution of improvement or restructuring strategy. According to Tesfatsion, (2001), the responsibilities are to envisage, set up, supervise, and accomplish research and logical schemes that speak to business transformation task and take forward line up goals, put up a system of progressive investigation and support associations and persons to prop up business amendment plan, head an alliance study group composed of associate human resources and important followers or allies, back allies with enhanced information to engage in early retirement plan and venture modifications at the federation and local degrees, assist to organize mechanical backing to countrywide, state and district cronies, point and sort out study actions to guarantee that the project of early retirement plan is in advancement: on timetable and within financial statement, act with other business personnel to recognize, expand, and create market suggestions for novel undertaking prospects and financial support, correspond to business in a line of investigation, promoti on, guiding principle, media, and fundraising actions in relation with the early retirement plan (p. 419). Time managing and clerical proficiency are also necessary to maintain equilibrium of the manifold endeavors, associates, at the same time as the aptitude to arrange requests, ranges of job, study blueprints for regulars, cronies, and funders, with know-how in running multifaceted investigation schemes and workforce and familiarity in business or metropolitan guidelines and arrangement, or connected areas such as ecological rules and economic progress. Early retirement plans typically appears to be unsuccessful for three reasons. First is retiring before persons kept an adequate amount of currency to be money-wise self-sufficient. Second is unsatisfactory diversification of the withdrawal assets. Last is undervaluing the yearly livelihood operating costs in departure. With reference to insufficient savings, most individuals who have considered the issue characterize pecuniary autonomy as containing 25 times of the yearly livelihood fixed costs, several fairly more or less. In other terms, a person who will retire with $40,000 in twelve-monthly livelihood everyday expenditures will require a $1 million collection of assets to be regarded as monetarily self-supporting (Flaschel, Kauermann Semmler, 2003). If one is mature enough to meet the criteria for a retirement fund or Societal Safety, that certainly trims down the quantity of currency one requests to obtain from the investments and makes available for fiscal self-determination on a lesser portfolio, he or she may do take the early retirement so. In assets diversification, practically the entire main part of labor on giving up work and speculation preparation puts forward that people who give up work safekeepings in their collection. A small number of market forecasters even recommend toting up supplementary out of the ordinary portfolio types to the assortment for instance independently-possessed authentic land, merchandises, hedge resources, or business enterprise funds collections. There can be found no believable advisors who advice placing each and every part of the investments merely into a single venture whether it be a Reserves bond, a solitary stockpile with a due long-term confirmation of operation. Other investment oversights that can head to an ineffective withdrawal to work consist of dynamic changing of a set of assets, making an effort to phase the market by selecting high points and troughs, and disbursing disproportionate charges and add ons to a consultant. Appearing in the employee’s side, various human resources who leave their jobs under company-sponsored early-retirement policies time and again find out after the event that they would not have an adequate amount of earnings to provide for themselves. Lots of early retirees finish up arranging to cross the threshold again of the labor force in the nick of time. If one would desire to stop working early in life, he ir she ought to seize a firm glimpse at how he or she will be proficient to come to get his or her living fixed costs, not simply the time one leaves, but ten or additional periods from then on. If one seeks to procure premature retirement, price increases is even more of a concern in deciding whether one’s annuity and investments are satisfactory to provide for the person than it would be if he or she gave up work at 65; in view of the fact that he or she will be using up further periods in withdrawal, one will for that reason be more profoundly distressed by inflation. The following description presents a notion of how much extra price increases have an effect on initial person who gives up work. A lot of before time individuals who stop working, typified as the retirees below the age of 65 years old, who overlook to have an account for inflation in their departure preparation are taken precedence for a distasteful bolt from the blue (Fitoussi, Jestaz, Phelps, Zoega , 2000, p. 237). Scores of individuals incorrectly assume that their levy load will make less burdensome considerably at retirement. They as well contemplated that they can keep away from a number of monies, however in contrast, duties could ascend once more and have an asking price on a person more than they perform at the present. One point that an individual can be certain of is that revenue levy charges will by no means be reduced than they are at this instant. â€Å"Development and displacement† by Robinson and company (2002) depicts several growing challenges to the philosophies and practices of progress in the modern-day world, linked with kinds of displacement (156). The general idea of the volume and the technique in which it expands the thoughts about displacement and development is excellent. This work tries to scrutinize the whole extent of topics and other concerns comprising socio-economic and psychosomatic troubles in the progression induced displacement regions. It concentrates on comprehensive prototypes of observable facts such as border line colonization, desertification, environmental discords on poverty, military divergence and populace passages. It is moral to displace individuals for growth of societies; vast statistics of individuals are relocated from their abodes for setting up improvement schemes. These advancement missions head to trade and industry growth, on the contrary it repeatedly debases the socio-economic and living of other subgroups. Despite the fact that one cannot refute the necessity of progress, displacement cannot be defensible on moral ground. As consequences of displacement, fabrication coordination is taken apart, cohesive affinity clusters are strewn, long created dealings are ruined, and customary sources of employment are mislaid. Impression of belongingness and rooted association in a locale that offers the refuge of attachment is habitually dislodged by separation and estrangement in the new place. References: Aoki, M. and H. Yoshikawa (2003) A Simple Quantity Adjustment Model of Economic Fluctuations and Growth, Heterogeneous Agents, Interaction and Economic Performance. Berlin, Springer, p. 39. Belot, M. and J. V. Ours (2000) Does the Recent Success of Some OECD Countries in Lowering their Unemployment Rates Lie in the Clever Design of their Labour Market Reforms? , Discussion paper no. 147, IZA, Bonn, Germany, p. 76. Blanchard, O. and L. Katz (1997) Shifts in the Beveridge Curve, Job Matching, and Labor Market Dynamics, New England Economic Review, p. 3. Card, D. and D. Hyslop (1996), Does Inflation Grease the Wheels of the Labor Market Working paper, NBER, p. 5538. Dosi, G. and S. Winter (2002), Interpreting Economic Change: Evolution, Structures and Games. The Economics of Choice, Change, and Organizations. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishers. Fitoussi, J. -P. , D. Jestaz, E. Phelps and G. Zoega (2000) Roots of the Recent Recoveries: Labor Reforms or Provate Secto Forces?. Brooking Papers on Economic Activities, (1), p. 237. Flaschel, P. , G. Kauermann and W. Semmler (2003) Testing Wage and Price Phillips Curves for the United States. Unpublished manuscript, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Economics. Julien, B. , J. Kennes and I. King (2000) Bidding for Labor. Review of Economic Dynamics, (3) p. 619. Tesfatsion, L. (2001) Structure, Behavior, and Market Power in an Evolutionary Labor Market with Adaptive Search. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (25) p. 419. Robinson, Jenny, Turton, David, Mohan, Giles and Yanacopulos, Helen. Development and Displacement. Oxford University Press, USA 2002, p. 156.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Causes And Effects Of Traffic Congestion Tourism Essay

Causes And Effects Of Traffic Congestion Tourism Essay Jain, Sharma and Subramanian mentioned that congestion in the United States has increased dramatically since the last twenty-five years, which is the same as many countries that suffering from traffic congestion currently. From the authors prospective, one of the major causes of traffic jam in the most cities is poor road traffic management system. Increasing of traffic congestion every year is causing increasing of air pollution, wasting of time and productivity and causes diverse diseases such as, respiratory diseases. Moreover, the cost of solving or reducing traffic congestion is enormous. However, neglecting the traffic jam problem would increase the social problems among citizens. The next part of this essay illustrates many causes of traffic congestion in different cities around the world, and the effects of these causes on the environment. Furthermore, the solutions that solved the traffic jam problem, and the suggested solutions that could help to reduce the congestion in some cities. Causes and Effects This part of the essay demonstrates many causes, effects and possible solutions of traffic congestion problems. 1. Los Angeles (USA). Causes and Effects: One of the main causes of traffic congestion in Los Angeles (United States of America) is car culture, which means many people in the city or county owned private cars (Thisdell, 1993). Additionally, the land-use pattern is an important reason that makes people in Los Angeles were using private cars widely and made transport planning difficult. Furthermore, traffic congestion increased due to no underground railway and public transport in Los Angeles. Moreover, the high numbers of vehicles, which are a result of overpopulation and the economic growth, and the weak of public transportation, have a negative effect on the environment such as air pollution, which happened on Saturday when commuter traffic is insignificant. Sorensen (2009) illustrated many reasons that make Los Angeles have traffic congestion such as Common misconceptions and high regional population density. As an example of common misconceptions, people in Los Angeles love cars driving, which means the relation between people and their cars is very strong and described as loves relation. As an example of high regional population density is drivers were not consider roads as a problem of traffic congestion. Sorensen said that high population and some of the other factors that aforementioned could also make the traffic jam worse. Solutions: Thisdell (1993) mentioned that Los Angeles County transportation committee said creates more roads for cars will not solve traffic congestion problems, with increasing numbers of people and vehicles. Also, traditional public transport such as buses will be more effective in limited areas only. The committee suggested that Metro system, which is a complete project of public transport including underground railways, buses and developing motorways. It is clear that, the system has many advantages such as reducing time loss, increase productivity and cut pollution. However, the cost of making just the first part of Metro project was $1.35 billion. In addition, there are some threats to human life such as, gas and earthquakes. Sorensen (2009) mentioned about some short strategies that can solve traffic problem in Los Angeles such as, encouraging people to use ride-sharing and bicycles, improve the system of controlling the traffic light and make it more efficient, which are inexpensive so lutions but very effective and eco-friendly. The other solution is Peak -hour road pricing which make people pay some money to drive on specific roads at specific period of the day Downs (2004). This solution makes roads expensive and avoids traffic congestion at peak hours. 2. Dhaka (Bangladesh). Causes and Effects: The second cause that makes traffic congestion is lack of planning of city roads. According to Mahmud et al. (2012), Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, is one of the most densely populated cities in the whole world. The population exceeded twelve million and still increasing daily; making the traffic jams a big issue for Dhaka government. According to their survey, many reasons cause this congestion such as, huge number of people live in the city and owned their cars and traffic rule violation. In addition, the roads are narrow, lack of Planning of the citys roads and bad traffic signalling. It is clear from the survey that the citys roads are the most problems that causing traffic congestion. Due to traffic jam, there are many impacts on the economy, peoples health and the environment. The economic impact describes as people losing some working hours, cars consumed more fuel and vehicle maintenance cost. Furthermore, people in Dhaka are suffering from inconvenience, breathing and eye pro blems which caused by pollution. Additionally, environmental problems such as, air and sound pollution are threatening peoples lives. Dey et al, (2002) mentioned that 86% of the general people who live in Dhaka considered noise pollution are a big issue for them. For instance, a high percentage of students said they studied in a noisy environment. Solutions: Many solutions considered for solving Dhaka traffic congestion. According to Mahmud et al. (2012) survey, three different points to curb traffic jam were mentioned as follows: the first point is considered residents point of view [figure1], which including suggestions such as, increasing peoples awareness about traffic causes and their impact on the environment. In addition to that, 16% of people think that improving public transport is an important solution that can reduce the cost and time for them. As well as, scheduling different times to commence schools and government offices to avoid a traffic jam on the roads. The second point is vehicles considerations [figure2], which mean vehicle operators, could help to reduce traffic congestion. It is clear from [figure2] that, 41% of operators considered making strict rules of the roads, that every driver should follow these rules, as an effective solution to curb traffic jam. Moreover, 16% of the operators suggested decentralization solution, which means distribute the main offices and shopping cen tres far from city centre to avoid a huge traffic on the road going there .The third point takes the experts point of view, which were classified into three parts. The first part is the short-term solution (5 years) that can reduce roads jam temporarily as improving traffic light systems and increase the parking prices. The second part is the medium-term solution (5-10 years), such as improving the railways and makes it more efficient. The third part is the long-term solution (

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Place In Different Seasons Essay -- essays research papers

The place to be described is totally imaginary, although it may bear some resemblance to a childhood memory of yours. The house and surrounding fields and mountains (for it is these I will endeavour to describe in different seasons) are so exquisitely picturesque: The long, wide, oak slatted cabin with the rolling fields stretching far into the distance, and beyond. Behind the house (as I like to call it) is an expanse of some three hundred or so yards before abruptly halting to make way for a stream. The stream is like one time itself forgot, like the one you would expect to find fairies sitting by. Beyond that the vast mountain range, ominous against a clear blue sky and casting definite shadows across the house and fields. The snow-capped peaks are those that I have climbed many a time; and they always seem to be different in contour or shape. There is a beautiful horse chestnut tree just two fields away from the house, and countless others dotted around near it; ash, beech, oak, the list goes on and on. It’s wonderfully peaceful up here, no one to disturb you. In autumn the landscape changes so much, almost too much. The leaves fall off the great oak, and it looks so miserable and bare; I have often thought of wrapping it up in a blanket. The horse chestnut is yielding fruit (if you can call it that). There is nothing I like more than sitting in front of the log fire and roasting horse chestnuts; marvellous. The fields, once, not long ago were teeming with poppies and f... A Place In Different Seasons Essay -- essays research papers The place to be described is totally imaginary, although it may bear some resemblance to a childhood memory of yours. The house and surrounding fields and mountains (for it is these I will endeavour to describe in different seasons) are so exquisitely picturesque: The long, wide, oak slatted cabin with the rolling fields stretching far into the distance, and beyond. Behind the house (as I like to call it) is an expanse of some three hundred or so yards before abruptly halting to make way for a stream. The stream is like one time itself forgot, like the one you would expect to find fairies sitting by. Beyond that the vast mountain range, ominous against a clear blue sky and casting definite shadows across the house and fields. The snow-capped peaks are those that I have climbed many a time; and they always seem to be different in contour or shape. There is a beautiful horse chestnut tree just two fields away from the house, and countless others dotted around near it; ash, beech, oak, the list goes on and on. It’s wonderfully peaceful up here, no one to disturb you. In autumn the landscape changes so much, almost too much. The leaves fall off the great oak, and it looks so miserable and bare; I have often thought of wrapping it up in a blanket. The horse chestnut is yielding fruit (if you can call it that). There is nothing I like more than sitting in front of the log fire and roasting horse chestnuts; marvellous. The fields, once, not long ago were teeming with poppies and f...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Toni Morrisons Sula :: Toni Morrison Sula Essays

Toni Morrison's Sula In the book Sula by Toni Morrison, Morrison’s ambiguous link between good, evil, and guilt, she is able to show that these terms are relative to each other and often occur mutually. In her comparison of good and evil, Sula states that "Being good to somebody is just like being mean to somebody. Risky. You don't get nothing for it" (145). Good and evil are being compared as if they are equal and that is how the book is structured. For instance, Eva's burning of Plum is a complex conjunction of motherly love and practicality and cannot be described as simply being a good act or a bad one. The killing of Chicken Little is a similarly ambiguous situation from which Sula and Nel's feelings are unclear. Lastly Sula, upon her death bed, questions what it means to be good and suggests that it what may be considered bad could in reality be good. Both in the syncopated style of Morrison's writing and the morally ambiguous portrayal of characters, cause the reader to question morals and think about them on a larger scale. Although on the surface, Eva's burning of Plum appears as a ghastly and un-motherly act (not to say that it isn't ghastly), with more analysis becomes a more perplexing question. When Eva pours kerosene on Plum, it is described as a sort of baptism, "He opened his eyes and saw what he imagined was the great wing of an eagle pouring a wet lightness over him. Some kind of baptism, some kind of blessing he thought" (47). Eva believes that she is liberating Plum from his depressed, drugged life and saving his soul. The eagle that plum imagines seeing is a symbol of liberty and the wing is a symbol for maternal love as a bird may nestle its chicks with its wing. Even when Nel later visits Eva in the nursing home, Eva approves of her liberation of Plum. She disapproves of Nel and Sula's throwing Chicken Little in the water, yet justifies killing Plum by saying, "It's awful cold in the water. Fire is warm. How did you get him in?" (168). Sula and Nel are both guilty for Chicken Little’s death, one for throwing him into the river and the other for watching it. No one is going to defend their actions, however whether Nel is guilty or not is a far more difficult question.

Technology and Health Care

Introduction Now more than ever, the advances in technology have accompanied the health care delivery system in providing efficient and effective treatment and management for a wide range of patients. According to an article on â€Å"Medical Technology†, â€Å"from gene therapy to tissue engineering to telepresence medicine, the proliferation of new technology promises even greater improvements in patient care, health status, and quality of life† (, n. d., p. 89). Nevertheless, the advent of these developments considerably affects the health system, in general. Thus, this paper aims to describe the uses of technology for patient management and its impact on health care and health status.Findings The uses of technology for patient management comprise an array of services that would include new medical and surgical procedures, drugs, medical devices, and new support systems. Indeed, these services had undergone innovative changes during the past years to cater the n eeds of the patients. These facts are exemplified in the following sections of this paper, as quoted from reliable references. â€Å"Surgery is another area of medicine that has been virtually transformed by innovative new techniques and technologies.The acceptance and refinement of minimally-invasive surgical procedures, improvements in anesthesia, patient demands and the push towards greater cost savings have facilitated the shift of surgical procedures from the traditional hospital setting to free-standing ambulatory surgical centers, outpatient clinics, and physicians’ offices† (Medical Technology,, n. d., p.92).On the other hand, another study called â€Å"AstraZeneca Submission† (n. d.) typified the progress in medicines, as we quote, â€Å"many examples describe the impact of new medicines on patient symptoms and quality of life: Advanced cancer is incurable. Many medicines for this devastating disease have provided value to patients and their fam ilies by improving their quality of life.Drugs to prevent nausea, a common side-effect of cancer chemotherapy, can help make the treatment easier to bear both for patients and their families. In patients with moderate to severe migraine, subcutaneous sumatriptan improved quality of life by more than 20% compared to placebo (61.6% versus 20.6%). Patients on rizatriptan show significantly better responses to three domains of the 24-hourMigraine Quality of Life Questionnaire (social functioning, migraine symptoms and feelings/concerns) compared to patients treated with placebo. (This entry has been quoted from Santanello N C, Polis A B, Hartmaier S L, Kramer M S, Block G A, Silberstein S D, Improvement in migraine-specific quality of life in a clinical trial of rizatriptan. Cephalalgia 17(8):867-872 1997)A systematic review of a new schizophrenia medicine – an atypical antipsychotic – found that, compared with typical antipsychotics, it was more effective in improving glo bal state, general mental state and the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and was as effective as typical antipsychotics with regard to positive symptoms. (This entry has been quoted from Mota N E, Lima M S, Soares B G, Amisulpride for schizophrenia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2:CD001357, 2002)†.With regards to medical devices, â€Å"one specific example of the dynamic changes in the use of medical technology in the state (CT) is PET scanning. PET scanners are among the most expensive units of major medical equipment available today. PET scans are non-invasive procedures used to detect metabolic rates of organs and tissues using radioactive agents that emit positively charged electrons (positrons).While useful in a number of specialties, PET is increasingly valuable in the fields of neurology, cardiology, and particularly cancer imaging including monitoring the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy† (Medical Technology,, n. d., p.92). In addition, new support systems have also been employed in the health care system. An example is the so-called telemedicine of which according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, â€Å"it is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient's health.Electronic communication means the use of interactive telecommunications equipment that includes, at a minimum, audio and video equipment permitting two-way, real time interactive communication between the patient, and the physician or practitioner at the distant site. Telemedicine is viewed as a cost-effective alternative to the more traditional face-to-face way of providing medical care (e.g., face-to-face consultations or examinations between provider and patient) that states may choose to cover.This definition is modeled on Medicare's definition of telehealth services located at 42 CFR 410.78† (Overview Telemedicine, n. d.). Hence, â€Å"the ins titution and utilization of new technologies in the hospital setting has dramatically influenced the way in which hospitals function as health care providers. Minimally invasive surgical procedures, highly advanced medical equipment, and breakthrough prescription medications are particularly significant in the evolving role of hospitals as they have all contributed to shorter and oftentimes costlier hospital stays† (Medical Technology, n. d., p.89).Conclusion Consequently, we have learned how the health care system utilized the use of the new technology in the treatment of patients, as reflected in the abovementioned findings. We realized that technology has an impact on the costs of health care services: cost effective, when it comes to medications, but costly, when it comes to acquisition of new medical devices. Nonetheless, we discovered that the impact of technology in health care is basically characterized by the provision of optimum patient management, thus leading to th e attainment of a better quality of life and improvement in the health status of individuals.References AstraZeneca Submission – The impact of advances in medical technology on healthcare in Australia – The Value of Medicines. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2008, from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Overview Telemedicine. Retrieved November 27, 2008, from (n.d.). Medical Technology. Retrieved November 27, 2008 from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Importance of Sex Education in School

Many parents are against sex education being taught within the schools. Sex is a very sensitive subject. Many parents feel that it is not appropriate to teach children these  ¡Ã‚ §facts of life ¡ at such a young age. Shouldn ¡t one wait for marriage to learn about these things any way? The overwhelming fact is that a growing number of teens especially are thinking about and even having sexual encounters. Should sex education be taught in school? Some say that is no longer the question, but rather how should it be taught. Over 93% of all public high schools currently offer courses on sexuality or HIV. More than 510 junior or senior high schools have school-linked health clinics, and more than 300 schools make condoms available on campus. (Sex Education in the Schools) The following is a discussion of the many questions associated with teaching sex education at school. 1. Why do youth need sex education? – The United States has more than double the teenage pregnancy rate of any western industrialized country. More than a million teenagers become pregnant annually. In addition, teenagers have the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) of any age group. In fact, one in four young people contract an STD by the age of 21.(Sex Education in Schools) 2. Why should schools be involved in sex education? – Most parents still avoid the issue. Keeping children ignorant endangers their lives ¡Xespecially for the millions of teens who have already begun having sex. An overwhelming 61% of male high school students and 48% of female high school students fit in this category. (CDC, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Sexual Behavior Among High School Students, What You Should Know About Sexuality Education) 3. If sexuality education is so useful, why are so many teens still having sex and getting pregnant? – It is also the product of the child ¡s environment and experiences that leads them down a certain path. The total responsibility cannot be placed on school education. Here are some tips provided by Planned Parenthood for parents dealing with the issue of sex with their children. (National Family Sexuality Education Month) „h Be open and respectful about your child ¡s questions „h Examine your values about sexuality Here are some scary STDs, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, which teens should be aware of: „ « HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This weakens your immune system, making you susceptible to any other virus or bacterial germ in creation. HIV leads to AIDS, which is fatal and is now the leading cause of death in America with no cure or vaccine available. (Three Scary STDs) HIV is passed through blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. „ « CHLAMYDIA- It's called the â€Å"invisible STD† because a large percentage of people who have it don't show symptoms. Chlamydia is bacterial, so it can be treated in its early stages with antibiotics. However, if left untreated, it can leave you sterile. „ « GENITAL WARTS – A type of the Human Papilloma Virus. Some types of this virus cause warts, others show NO symptoms. There are 60 different types altogether. Luckily, there are a number of ways to treat it. However, even with treatment, the warts can always recur. Condoms do offer some protection, but viruses can â€Å"shed† on areas not covered by the condom. (Three Scary STDs)