Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ishmael in Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1692 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Moby Dick Essay Did you like this example? In Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick, Ishmael asserts himself as both the narrator and the central consciousness of the novel by chronicling his account of the Pequod’s final voyage. As he recounts the struggles of his physical journey, Ishmael shows that he has also survived a spiritual journey to find his sense of self. By retelling and analyzing his time as a crewmember of the Pequod, Ishmael continues to try to understand the purpose behind his solitary existence and eventually embraces it as a part of God’s mysterious Providence. Ishmael sees himself as an exile of the world who is doomed to drift without a home to return to. He begins his narration by naming himself after a Biblical figure: â€Å"Call me Ishmael† (Melville 18). The lack of last name suggests that like Abraham’s first and lesser loved son, Ishmael has been un-rooted and thrown out of his family. He considers himself to be an orphan, although he uses the word only at the conclusion of his journey when he is left as the sole survivor: â€Å"It was the devious-cruising Rachel†¦ only found another orphan† (427). This sentiment demonstrates the loss he has experienced through the Pequod’s shipwreck and the affinity he felt for its crew. In contrast, the only family member who describes in his narration is his â€Å"stepmother who, somehow or other, was all the time whipping me, or sending me to bed supperless,† and who isolates Ishmael even within his house (37). This forced physical separation is what preve nts him from regarding the house he grew up in as home and which keeps him drifting without a sense of belonging. This loneliness develops into isolation, which causes Ishmael to separate himself from others and observe them from a distance. This allows him to see beyond conventional beliefs and question societal norms, but also deepens his isolation. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ishmael in Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick" essay for you Create order This isolation continues to trouble Ishmael throughout the years, to the extent that he considers it deadly. When his stepmother punishes him by sending him to bed, he describes that he â€Å"lay there dismally†¦before I could hope for resurrection,† comparing the isolation to death (37). He emphasizes how much he hates this solitary confinement by begging for any other punishment but burial in bed, because the maddening boredom that comes from isolation causes him to feel like dying a painful, spiritual death. This lonely boredom causes him to view his life as being so meaningless that he feels himself driven to the breaking point, even to the point of considering suicide, â€Å"involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral† he encounters (18). But instead of giving in to this impulse, he chooses to go to sea as a â€Å"substitute for pistol and ball† (18). This voyage onto the water symbolizes his desire to reviv e himself and to get back in touch with himself and humanity. He seeks an end to his perceived isolation and believes that he may do so on the water, where â€Å"here they all unite† (19). To Ishmael, the attraction to water is one of the universal characteristics of men, representing their common desire to see meaning and purpose in the reflections they cast, and to catch the â€Å"ungraspable phantom of life† that eludes us all (20). As he observes that these â€Å"water-gazers† spiritually unite, he realizes that the sea unites people even in their most isolated moments (43). This idea is further emphasized when he sees people looking at the gravestones in the chapel unite through the â€Å"silent grief† that â€Å"were insular and incommunicable,† caused by the sense of vulnerability and mortality of the sailors at sea (43). Once he joins the Pequod, he proclaims â€Å"I, Ishmael, was one of that crew; my shouts had gone up with the rest; my oath had been welded with theirs† (152). Unlike on land, where Ishmael drifts without aligning himself to anyone or any cause, he becomes committed to Ahab’s quest, and this becomes his purpose for the duration of the voyage. Captain Ahab’s greatest influence over Ishmael does not result from direct interaction, but rather from Ishmael’s observations of Ahab’s struggles against himself and against the world. Ishmael clearly sees that Ahab’s obsession with Moby Dick has driven him to madness, and that he believes that control over this madness is beyond the boundaries of his free will. When Ahab questions â€Å"Is Ahab, Arab? Is it I, God, or who, that lifts this arm?† Ishmael sees Ahab’s confusion in his identity, between the Ahab who desires to return to his family and the Ahab who is destined to spend his life chasing Moby Dick (406). This concept of free will against fate becomes an important theme in Ishmael’s narrative. As Ahab gets closer to Moby Dick, he becomes completely consumed by the idea of destroying all evil through Moby Dick, allowing Fate to take over his free will, as Ahab concludes that his identity is the â€Å"Fates’ lieutenantà ¢â‚¬  who â€Å"act under orders,† and not his free will (418). Ishmael, who observes the tangling of free will and fate through Ahab, begins to understand that God’s will comes in the form of â€Å"springs and motives which being cunningly presented to me induced me to set about performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the delusion that it was a choice resulting from my own unbiased freewill and discriminating judgment† (22). In short, while people may believe they act on their own accord, these actions are actually predetermined by God. Ahab’s comparison of life to a play also resonates with Ishmael. When he recalls that Ahab said, â€Å"This whole act’s immutably decreed. ‘Twas rehearsed by thee and me a billion years before this ocean rolled† Ishmael sees that Ahab believes that his endless quest for revenge against Moby Dick was preordained (418). This causes Ishmael to consider his own role in the voyage, perceiving that â€Å"my going on this whaling voyage, formed part of the grand programme of Providence that was drawn up a long time ago† and â€Å"those stage managers, the Fates, put me down for this shabby part of a whaling voyage† (22, 418). Although he sees his own role as a â€Å"shabby† one and compares himself to others who were cast for â€Å"magnificent roles in high tragedies† and â€Å"short and easy parts in genteel comedies†, he accepts his fate, and in doing so, he shows that he understands that is life is not without meaning. Even th e boredom and loneliness that has constantly plagued him now take the form as catalysts for his joining the Pequod. As Ishmael begins considering the role of God’s Providence in his life, he is still unable to grasp its true significance. However, by looking back at the series of decisions it took for him to join the Pequod, Ishmael begins to understand â€Å"the springs and motives which†¦ induced me to set about performing the part I did,† that even his loneliness and isolation has a greater end as a part of the God’s plan (22). In fact, fate, destiny, and Providence go beyond the boundaries of Christianity for Ishmael and allows him to eventually see and treat Queequeg without prejudice. Although he, like most of his compatriots, was initially terrified of Queequeg, the friendly affection that he shows to Ishmael wins him over. After observing Queequeg’s character and noting that this supposed savage seemed to â€Å"have an innate sense of delicacy† and proved â€Å"essentially polite†, Ishmael compares him with the Christians he has known (38). He remarks that â€Å"Christian kindness has proved but hollow courtesy† and questions who is truly the more civilized (56). Eventually, he concludes that religious worship comes in the form of obeying the will of God, and that what God essentially requires of men is â€Å"to do to my fellow man what I would have my fellow man do to me† (57). This allows him to realize that like Ishmael, Queequeg craves understanding and acceptance which Ishmael decides to give. In this way, it is Ishmael’s loneliness and his craving for human connection that allow him to be open minded about living so closely with a cannibalistic heathen. Without any special attachments to Western religion, culture, or societal norms, Ishmael sees beyond Queequeg’s fierce appearance and appreciate his humanity and compassion. Queequeg reciprocates these feelings, and it is the coffin he builds that eventually saves Ishmael’s life. Ishmael suggests that God facilitated his intimacy with Queequeg so that he could emerge as the sole survivor of the Pequod. In hindsight, Ishmael believes he was â€Å"mysteriously drawn towards† Queequeg and that the bond between them goes beyond human comprehension (56). He frequently alludes to marriage, describing their relationship as one that â€Å"naught but death should part us twain† and marveling that â€Å"he would gladly die for me† (38, 56). The strength of their bond surprises even Ishmael, and in Queequeg, he finally find the closest thing to familial love that he has ever experienced. Furthermore, Ishmael describes how Queequeg’s coffin â€Å"liberated by reason of its cunning spring†¦the coffin life-buoy†¦floated by my side† it transforms from a container of death to a chance at resurrection ? the same sort of resurrection that Ishmael desired from his cruel exile to bed during his childhood (427). To Ishmael, Queequegâ⠂¬â„¢s death allowed Ishmael to live, and this sacrifice gives his lonely existence value and significance. By the time he finishes retelling his account, Ishmael has grown from a lonely and restless young man to a mature man who now understands that he has a place in God’s Providence. He sees that his isolation has shaped him into an individual capable of observing and assessing situations objectively, and it has prepared him to fulfill God’s plan that he live to retell his narrative. However, just as Ahab fell to his demise without fulfilling his quest to master Moby Dick, Ishmael cannot fully understand the mysteries of his existence while he remains alive (20). Although Ishmael now recognizes that, this reflection of self in the water that â€Å"is the key to it all† (20) still compels him to continue searching for further meaning, leading to the retelling and revisiting of his journey.

Friday, December 20, 2019

What Does Business Mean - 1293 Words

What does business mean to me? Another way of saying commerce? A term that describes production, purchasing or selling? In my point of view, business is a fabulous world where to consult financial situations, expressing the passion in interacting commercial cases. Because I enjoy the beauty of this business world, there is no doubt in my mind that I want to take global business and advertising, marketing, and consumer culture at your summer school. I have been researching on several summer schools, which provide business related courses. However, the only program that caught me attention is the Cambridge Tradition. Not only because the great reputation of the Cambridge campus is spread out the world, but what we will actually learn during the one month of summer is the supreme to me. The amazing opportunity offered by your summer school will allow me to explore the structures of international commerce, the development of economic, engagement of global marketplace, the omnipresence of either marketing or branding, and the power of selling strategies. Furthermore, the method of how your school educates students and assessing student’s learning ability fascinated me. I have always wanted to achieve business conceptions by analyzing real-life case studies or playing business related games. As well, I am more willing to be assessed by integrating me to the real business case, and evaluate how I can apply the knowledge I have learned while encountering the situation.Show MoreRelatedWhat Does It Mean For A New Business Environment?1112 Words   |  5 PagesEvolution is upon us in the business industry. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Impacts of Cell Phone Lifecycle Free-Samples Myassignmenthelp

Question: Describe the Impacts of the Cell Phone life Cycle on Environment, Economy, Society and Governance in the 'Use' Stage. Answer: Using Stage The using stages part of the mobile phone life cycle contributes to environmental imbalances. Firstly, use of handset leads to noise pollution. This is mostly helped by the fact that these handsets are cheap and almost everyone can have access to them. In big towns and cities, there is the high rate of phone usage due to the availability of many businesses (Bull Kozak, 2014). This creates noise pollution which distracts the environment. The continued use of scratch cards has polluted the environment. The economy probably witnesses a noticeable improvement. This is highly associated with the influence created by the phone owners to the ones who do not have. This implies that while using stage, there is high demand for different types of cell phones. The economy is thus improved by supplying a large number of phones to the market to meet the rising demand. Moreover, during this stage, businesses are expanded due to the increased utilization of e-commerce and other online business plat forms. The sale of simcards and scratch cards also boosts the economy. The society benefits mainly from the usage of cell phones which utilize nondurable batteries. Furthermore, the economy has to take care of the phone charging costs due Security is enhanced because should there be robbery and other types of violence, cell phones are used to alert the security officers. Conversely, usage of mobile phones is known to have brought unrest in the society because the same mobile phones are privately used to by some individuals to bring in criminals (Malmodin, Lundn, Moberg, Andersson Nilsson, 2014). Governance is highly ensured during usage to restrict users from accessing some wasteful sites. For instance, in North Korea usage of cell phones is governed by high rules that prohibit the users to access the pornographic sites. References Bull, J. G., Kozak, R. A. (2014). Comparative life cycle assessments: The case of paper and digital media.Environmental Impact Assessment Review,45, 10-18. Malmodin, J., Lundn, D., Moberg, ., Andersson, G., Nilsson, M. (2014). Life cycle assessment of ICT.Journal of Industrial Ecology,18(6), 829-845.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Assess the Impact of the Treaty of Vienna in 1815 free essay sample

Assess the impact of the Treaty of Vienna in 1815. (30) The treaty of Vienna came as a result of the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars. The treaty of Vienna was a result of the British trying to keep the peace within Europe. The treaty of Vienna reflected the diversity within ‘Italy’; the treaty reflected most of the wishes of Metternich along with the desires of Austria. Prince Metternich’s desires were to restore the old pre- 1796 order the fact which represented within the terms of the Vienna Settlement. Metternich also wished to impose a conservative settlement which would crush the hopes of the liberals and nationalists within Italy and Europe. At this moment of time there was a very separate ‘Italy’. ‘Italy’ was divided into separate states who had their own customs and languages. The treaty of Vienna had many impacts one which affected the Kingdom of Sardinia (Piedmont). The treaty of Vienna recognised and restored the house of Savoy as the rightful rulers of Piedmont. We will write a custom essay sample on Assess the Impact of the Treaty of Vienna in 1815 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The immediate effect of this was that Victor Emmanuel I returned to Piedmont and started to restore an absolutist state. Other effects of the treaty of Vienna were that the code Napoleon was repealed along with various rights such as free trials. Other impacts were the Church was restored to its privileged status. The last important change to Piedmont was introduced at Vienna was that the port and state of Genoa was granted to the house of Savoy. Other effects of the treaty of Vienna was upon Lombardy and Venice the Austrian dominance of Italy and it’s political life was assured by the return of Lombardy to Austrian control. However it was strengthened by the recognition at Vienna of Austria’s annexation of Venice. The impact of the treaty upon the Papal States was that the Pope was restored to his position as spiritual and temporal ruler of the Papal States. The Code Napoleon was also abolished within most parts of the Papal States and the Papal legal codes were re-established. The impact of the treaty of Vienna on the Central Duchies left the Central Duchies firmly under Austrian control. Also within the Central Duchies education was improved and set up hospitals and food relief during the outbreak of typhus in 1815-16 and allowed freedom of expression which was not allowed in the rest of ‘Italy’. The new ruler of Parma was equally broadminded. She scrapped the Code Napoleon but replaced it with something similar. The impact on the Kingdom of Naples was that the Bourbon King Ferdinand I was restored to his throne with a vague promises of maintaining some legacy of French and British influence in Naples and Sicily respectively. The Church was also restored to its power and former authority. Many liberal projects were introduced by the French in Naples such as road building. At Sicily within this moment of time the British inspired constitution was destroyed which was much to the frustration of the Notability who had enjoyed the power that British constitution had given them. Overall one can assume that the Kingdoms of the Papal States, the Central Duchies and the Kingdom of Naples were also progressive states as one can examine from the events which took place in these states. One can also assume that Piedmont, Lombardy and Venice and Sicily was reactionary as they all reacted to the end on the Napoleon rule and these states started to revert to their old customs. The role of Austria and Metternich over Italy was considerable and Metternich insistence was very liberal. The liberal views within Italy were that all the separate states should stay separate there was a big sense of nationalism in this part of time. The Nationalist views at this moment of time were very few and far in-between as many people associated from, what kingdom they came from their views were crushed as the states were still separated as there was individual’s state with separate forms of governments there was no chance of a Italy being liberal. One also assumes that the treaty of Vienna had good impacts for some of the kingdoms within Italy but not all of them as all the states never moved forward to an extent.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

10 Best Keyword Research Tools in 2019 (Including Free Options)

Keyword research is a crucial element of modern SEO. Whether you’re kick-starting an old blog or developing your content strategy for a new one; good quality keywords are one of the most efficient ways to attract consistent, quality traffic to your site. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best keyword research tools to help you conquer your content. Ahrefs is one of the best keyword research tools available for content creators today. The platform provides a broad keyword report to the user and relies on clickstream data to provide unique click metrics.Standout featuresAccurate keyword difficulty score1,000+ keyword suggestionsSupported in over 171 countriesClick metrics for improving CTRExtensive SERP overviewPricingAhrefs has four pricing plans. The rates for freelancers, online marketers, mid-sized organizations, and bigger brands start at just $82 per month if you choose an annual payment plan.They do have a trial offer ($7 for 7 days) on their Lite and Standard s ubscription plans.2. Google Keyword PlannerGoogle Keyword Planner is a simple option serving up a few basic features. Despite the lack of functionality, however, it’s one of the most accurate sources of keyword data on the market. The data comes directly from Google and the results integrate well with AdSense monetization.Standout featuresLocate commercial keywords using â€Å"top of page† bid rangeAccurate search volume directly from Google’s search engineBest choice for business websitesPricingGoogle Keyword Planner is available for free.3. SEMrushSEMrush is like the Swiss Army Knife of SEO. Instead of producing a list of keywords, SEMrush suggests 5-10 very specific keywords that your competitors are already using.Standout featuresUncover long-tail keywords and ad group ideasGet yearly keyword trendsWorldwide CPC distribution statisticsAccess to the complete keyword research toolkitKeyword difficulty analysis and organic traffic insightsPricingSEMrush hosts a 7-day free trial of the service. You do need to enter credit card details to get access to the trial, but there are no charges levied if you choose to cancel your subscription within the 7-day trial.SEMrush has four different pricing plans. The best offers come with annual billing.Pro A plan for limited budget sites and freelancers, it starts at $83 per month and gets billed annually.Guru SEO agencies and small to mid-sized business will find the features in this plan perfect for the day-to-day management of content sites. Guru starts at $166 per month.Business It is ideal for eCommerce stores and agencies, and opens at $333 per month.Enterprise If you have an extensive content strategy, reaching beyond the capacity of the above solutions, SEMrush can custom fit a plan for your needs.4. KWFinderKWFinder is a tool designed by Mangools – a developer known for delivering the best keyword research tools across categories. You can use their beginner guide to get started.The K WFinder platform makes it easy to find keywords with low SEO difficulty, along with a whole host of other useful features.Standout featuresA unique and easy to navigate user interfaceFind keywords in any language target, anywhereChoose options from the list of powerful keywordsGet precise statistics for keyword competitionIn-depth SERP overview alongside a list of suggestionsUse filters to refine the list of keyword suggestionsPricingKWFinder is part of Mangools package that includes 4 other SEO tools. It only allows a handful of free searches. Select an annual plan to save up to 40% on any of their 3 subscriptions.Basic   $30 (freelancers and small businesses)Premium   $40 (new startups and blogs)Agency $80 (eCommerce stores and heavy sites)5. Long Tail ProIt’s no secret that long-tail keywords are the new standard of SEO. Long Tail Pro generates long-tail keywords for niche sites and has even found a cult following with content producers for micro-niche sites.Standout featuresPowerful, detailed keyword metricsEasily find long-tail keywordsProvides recommendations for attracting highly convertible organic traffic2,500+ SERP lookups every 24 hoursPricingLong Tail Pro is a premium tool and does not currently offer a free trial. Subscriptions start as low as $25 per month (when billed annually). Long Tail Pro currently offers three plans to users.Starter   $25/monthPro   $45/monthAgency   $98/ month6. MajesticMajestic is an all-in-one SEO tool to keep a track of your site’s health. It’s an ideal tool for new blogs and small businesses that don’t have the resources to invest a lot of complicated support for search engine optimization.Standout featuresAll SEO features are available in a single toolkitFind easy-to-target phrasesResearch competition on each keywordTrustworthiness vs. authority graph for website analysisPricingMajestic allows you to sign up and run 3 free searches to help you get a feel for the service. The keyw ord checker, however, is only available in PRO and API plans. You can grab the SEO toolkit for $83/month when you select the annual billing option.7. Keyword ToolIf you’re obsessed with keyword data mining, try Keyword Tool. The platform is regarded as one of the top keyword research tools on the market and offers analysis for multiple search engines including Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and the App Store.Standout featuresFind great keywords using Google AutocompleteSupplement your social media marketing with Instagram and Twitter keyword analysisExport results to CSVSimple UX for beginnersPricingKeyword Tool is very similar to Google Keyword Planner. It’s free for first 750+ keywords and extremely easy to get started with. The Keyword Tool â€Å"Basic† plan starts at $69 per month and is billed annually.8. SerpstatIf you’re searching for a full SEO suite, Serpstat is an excellent option which combines website analytics, keyword research, SERP analysis , backlink analysis, a rank tracker, and website audit features. It’s an all-in-one solution meant to streamline the entire category of SEO.Standout featuresKnow your competition using the competitor graph featureFind keyword difficulty and keyword trendsThe most budget-friendly option on our listPricingSimilar to a couple of the other options we’ve listed here, Serpstat can be used a few times for free by signing up for their trial membership. To use the service regularly though, you need to get yourself set up with one of their subscriptions. A personal plan goes for as low as $19 per month.9. Moz Keyword ExplorerThe Moz Keyword Explorer serves up easy to use, out-of-the-box keyword recommendations. Moz’s SEO tool boasts all the features you’d expect from the very best keyword research tools, plus two very unique data points.Organic CTR score   This click-through rate demonstrates the number of clicks you’re expected to attract on page 1 of Goo gle.Priority score   The priority score is a mixture of all the individual factors a typical tool uses to suggest keyword options. It combines data on CTR, search volume, and keyword difficulty to help you select the best terms for your project.Standout featuresGet related keyword suggestionsOrganic CTR and Priority score for smart targetingMoz offers a one month trial periodPricingSign up for a free Moz account and get 10 free queries per month. The Keyword Explorer is not a standalone researching tool, to get full access to this useful little asset you will need to pay for the entire SEO suite. You can get the Moz keyword research features in the platform’s â€Å"Medium† plan, which starts at $179 a month with the option for a free 30-day trial.10. SpyFuSpyFu is the #1 choice for analyzing your competitors’ SEO strategies. This tool uncovers valuable, virtually untapped keywords and makes a huge difference if you’re working in a highly saturated niche .Standout featuresCompare different websites competing for a single search termDiscover ranking difficulty and historical rank changesAdditional modules for in-depth domain analysisPricingSpyFu is a little different from the other tools we’ve listed here as they offer monthly results, not real-time feedback. You can subscribe to SpyFu for $33 per month if you choose the annual billing option.Which is the best keyword research tool for you?These are some of the best keyword research tools you can currently find in the SEO marketplace.To find the one that works for your business, start by analyzing your budget and then consider the primary focus of your brand’s SEO strategy. These 10 keyword #research #tools will help you start ranking your #content in #Google 🔎 Click To Tweet If budget is your chief concern, narrow your search to Google Keyword Planner or Serpstat. If you need a more robust set of tools, you’re going to be looking at KWFinder, SEMrush, o r Moz Keyword Explorer.Do you have any questions about choosing between these tools? Ask away in the comments!Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Harlem Renisance essays

Harlem Renisance essays The Harlem Renaissance Or the New Negro Movement The dawn of the 1920s ushered in an African American artistic and cultural movement, the likes of which have never and will likely never be seen again. Beginning as a series of literary discussions in Greenwich Village and Harlem, the New Negro Movement (later dubbed the Harlem Renaissance by Alain Locke) came to exalt the unique culture of African Americans and redefine African American expression. The movement spread throughout all areas of the arts and humanities, gaining a wider audience as it went along. Soon it became more than just an artistic movement, it was at the same time a social ideal. The authors and artists of the era simultaneously struggled with and embraced their African heritage and American birth and lifestyle. The arts became a means of rebellion against the racism running rampant through the south, as well as a way for African Americans to finally prove they had their foot in the door of American (especially elitist) culture. The Beginning After years of unfair treatment and humiliation, black people from the South started a migration northwards. Large metropolitan cities such as Washington D.C., Chicago, and New York City became hubs of creativity and interaction for African Americans. This migration changed the Black image from rural to urban, from peasant to sophisticate, and introduced them to international ideas that they would most likely have had no contact with in the South. Locke described this movement in The New Negro as something like a spiritual emancipation. Now they were in a land where whites only signs were few and far between and speakin g ones mind was not only allowed, but also encouraged by peers. It was the time and place for freedom, freedom of speech, music, ideas, and life. So what started it all? The causes of this renaissance were financial and educational. Blacks participated in the...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Identify Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Identify Teams - Essay Example The organization of the teams and other defining aspects will be tackled in this paper. This team is based in Indianapolis in the Indiana state. The team focuses on ensuring that people in its community have access to outstanding paint products and services. Unlike other teams in this field, these painters intend to provide services that are outstanding and diverse. This team is comprised of 26 individuals with the president being the team leader. Members of the team are experts in painting, construction and are sourced from the society. The 26 members have related as well as diverse competencies in terms of career. The executive of the team is responsible for primary decision making with decisions being passed down to other members (Robinson & Green, 2011). This is an established leadership team with an affiliation of Denver painting Company. The team is responsible for ensuring that clients in its community which is Colorado have the access to commercial, residential and industrial painting staining services. The team works closely with a real estate agents, homeowners, property and facility managers, architects and general contractors. The goals of the team surround the provision of remarkable printing services, especially those designed by Denver painter. The leadership team consists of three individuals with Scott Bergman being the founder and the team leader of the group. The other member are, a senior estimator and project manager named John Ramirez and Ryan Wunderlich in the same profession of John (Robinson & Green, 2011). The three individuals forming the members of the organization were sourced from the society. Painting contractor USA comprises of several teams whose purpose is to ensure that ranges and firms within the entire nation have access to agricultural painting. One of the painting teams of this organization proves to be an outstanding contributor in the community through agricultural painting. The team consists of about

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organized Crime Group Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organized Crime Group Analysis - Essay Example One of the most prominent and oldest gangs in the region is the vice lord gang. The gang consisted mostly of individuals from the African American community and participated in various criminal activities including extortion, drug trafficking, robbery, murder and numerous forms of fraud. The gang came into existence in 1958, where several youths of African American origin from the Chicago neighbourhood of north Lawndale, met during their incarceration at a Chicago juvenile facility. The founding member of the gang was named Edward Perry, and he used the alias Pepalo (Chepesiuk, 2007). The word vice, which is prominent, in the gangs name is said to mean a tight grip. The release of leaders from prison resulted in recruitments, which augmented the gang’s participation in criminal activities, within the city’s confines. Their notoriety increase rapidly and by 1964, they were the primary target of law enforcers in the city. They were known for their violent nature and were feared in their neighbourhood (Diamond, 2009). The gang attempted to repair their public image and the gangs name was changed to conservative gang lords. They further took the approach of being a community outreach organization in the 1970s. This was achieved with the help of a social worker David Dawley who was Caucasian despite the gang’s racial inclination. This guise was successful with the gang receiving positive feedbacks from leaders and politicians in the community. Their rebranding efforts were capped with a grant of $275,000 from the Rockefeller foundation (Diamond, 2009). This period saw the consolidation of numerous gangs into the vice lords leading to an increase of their membership. The community, however, were finally able to see through the gangs disguise discovering they were involved with criminal activities and violence in the community. The gang’s involvement in

Monday, November 18, 2019

Retaining Foreign Talents in the Dubai Banking Industry Dissertation

Retaining Foreign Talents in the Dubai Banking Industry - Dissertation Example Advani (2006) mentions that the said situation exists in the said country because of the fact that the employees would rather work for the foreign banking institutions as the latter offers better compensation packages than their local counterparts. The Oxford Business Group (2008) also cited attracting and retaining high quality talent as one of the most common problems experienced by banks in Bulgaria. Generally, this problem is brought about by various issues such as the competition for limited banking resources such as the location that can be used to establish banks, the availability of skilled employees and eligible clients (The Oxford Business Group 2008). In Dubai, as well as in the other members of the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC), retaining foreign talent in their banking industry is likewise an important issue issue. During the past years, the said countries, most especially Dubai, has been considered attractive in terms of enticing expatriate professionals Nevertheless, it was only considered as relatively successful in a sense that it has merely served as a transient market wherein the young professionals begin their careers, earn tax free income and socialize for 2-3 years. In this sense, employers therein experience high rates of turnovers as regards their staff (Rehman 2007). The 2007-2010 depression which affected Dubai along with the other members of the GCC has resulted to the radical decrease in the number of expatriate workers in the said countries. True enough, many Westerners were employed four to five years ago. However, nowadays, most of them have been transferred to other countries and some have been repatriated to their own countries. More often than not, the decision involving them is brought about by the fact that foreign expatriates are more expensive than others. Undoubtedly, the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, most especially Dubai has long relied on foreign expatriates. However, because of the economic issues that they have faced, most of them have decided to come up with initiatives which are aimed towards the localization of the workforce, replacing the foreign expatriates with skilled local employees. The adoption of these initiatives had been highly influenced by the banking institutions in the countries to cut down their expenses by reducing the compensation packages offered to the expatriate professionals. Aside from these, the decision of financial institutions to cut down the premium pay of expatriates had also facilitated their turnovers (Rehman 2007). Undoubtedly, there is a need to implement employee strategies so as to retain key employees, most especially foreign talents in a certain company. However, because of economic problems such as recession, companies tend to cut down their costs in order to cope with the financial situation. This paper focuses on the issue of expatriate management in Dubai. It focuses on the different innovative strategies that companies, most especially memb ers of the banking industry usually implement in order to retain foreign talent. However, given the fact that Dubai suffered from economic recession in the last three years, this research aims to look into whether or not ht financial institutions therein continue the implementation of the said strategies during this period in the hopes of retaining foreign talent. Statement of the Problem As previously mentioned, the adoption of pertinent employee strategies is of paramount importance in terms of retaining foreign employees. Amongst the members of the banking industry, the key to attracting and retaining employees is through the development of good payment packages. However, banking instituti

Friday, November 15, 2019

Informatics In Public Health Information Technology Essay

Informatics In Public Health Information Technology Essay Yasnoff et al(2000)stated that effective public health requires timely, accurate, and informative information from a wide variety of sources. Not surprisingly, public health professionals have been among the earliest users of computers , other information technologies from which numerous and useful computerized information and surveillance systems have been developed(Yasnoff et al, 2000).A more systematic and informed approach to the application of information science and technology needs to be utilized in order to take full advantage of its potential to enhance and facilitate public health activities(Yasnoff et al, 2000). However, OCarroll et al(2002)defined public health informatics as the systematic application of information and computer science and technology to public health practice, research, and learning. Public health informatics is primarily an engineering discipline and a practical activity ungirded by science and oriented to the accomplishment of specific tasks(OCarroll et al, 2002). How informatics impact or improve public health? The scope of public health informatics includes the conceptualization, design, development, deployment, refinement maintenance, and evaluation of communication, surveillance, information, and learning systems relevant to public health(OCarroll et al, 2002). Using strategies and standards, practitioners employ public health informatics tools and training to maximize health impacts at local, state, and national levels(CDC, 2006).They develop and deploy information technology solutions that provide accurate, timely, and secure information to guide public health action(CDC, 2006). Public health informatics involves the application of knowledge and practice from numerous disciplines that contribute to public health(OCarroll et al, 2002).Advances in public health informatics resulted in public health innovations and added value to interventions by providing the capability for more timely detection of health problems and more complete and efficient health communications (CDC, 2006). Surveillance is an aspect of public health that can be dramatically transformed by the application of information technology(Yasnoff et al, 2000). How public health informatics is different from medical informatics? The primary focus of public health informatics is on the applications of information science and technology that promote the health of populations while the primary focus of medical informatics is on the health of specific individuals who presents with a specific disease or condition requiring diagnosis and treatment(OCarroll et al, 2002). A primary focus of public health informatics is on the applications of information science and technology that prevent disease and injury by altering the conditions that put populations of individuals at risk while whereas medical informatics is on the application of information science and technology for the treatment of individuals who already have a disease or high risk conditions(OCarroll et al, 2002). Prevention approach in public health informatics is not predetermined by professional discipline, but rather by effectiveness, expediency, cost, and social acceptability of intervening at various potentially vulnerable points in a causal chain whereas medical informatics preventive interventions is within the context of each professional discipline with focus on one or a few points in the causal chain(OCarroll et al, 2002). Public health informatics is not restricted to particular social, behavioral, or environmental contexts whereas medical informatics is restricted to clinical and surgical encounters(OCarroll et al, 2002). Public health informatics involves operation within a governmental context requiring responsiveness to legislative, regulatory, and policy directives whereas medical informatics involves operation through private practices, clinics, hospitals, with governmental direction primarily in terms of quality assurance (OCarroll et al, 2002). References. OCarroll, P,W; Yasnoff, W, A; Ward, M,E; Ripp, L,H; Martin,E;L.(2002).Public health informatics and information systems. Springer. Yasnoff, W, A; OCarroll, P,W; Koo, D; Linkins, R, W; Kilbourne,E;M.(2000).Public health informatics: Improving and transforming public health in the information age. Journal of Public Health Management Practice Vol 6(6); p67-75. CDC(2006).Informatics and public health at CDC. MMWR Vol 55(SUP02); 25-28. Retrieved from http// Top of Form Week 1: Introduction to Informatics in Public Health Discussion It was not until 1988 that efforts by the Institute of Medicine described public health with a working definition that outlined its mission, components, and core functions, as a result, the focus began to shift from medicine and treatment of disease to public health and its goals of prevention and health promotion (Schneider 2006). As noted by OCarroll (2003), with public health reform, an increase in managed care and the revolution of new technology, public health professionals increased the need of public health informatics forcing the transition of traditional methods of information storage to the development of technological software. Prior to the emergence of public health as a discipline, medical informatics was employed in various healthcare institutions. Hasman and Haux (1996) described medical informatics as discipline that intersects information science, computer science, and health care to address the storage, retrieval, and use biomedical information for problem solving and decision making. To keep abreast of an ever changing technological society, public health informatics emerged. OCarroll, 2003 noted that public health informatics is defined as the systematic application of information and computer science and technology to public health practice, research and learning (p5). According to OCarroll (2003), it is different from medical informatics because it focuses on populations, disease prevention, preventative interventions, and governmental operations. Informatics is now a discipline that is increasing being integrated into the field of public health. The National Center for Public Health Informatics (NCPHI), for example, is one of the national centers of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Started in 2005, the NCPHI in composed of five divisions and seeks to use information technology to aid in surveillance, outbreak response, and laboratory reporting and other aspects of public health. The goals of the center is to enhance monitoring and research and increase real time access to health information. The National Centers for Public Health Informatics although a fairly new have several tools in place to maximize access to health information (CDC 2009). The use of informatics of found throughout the field of public health. With the development of new technology, public health informatics seeks to further incorporate new software to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the collection, analysis, and reporting of public health information. To fully embrace the impact informatics can have on public health OCarroll (2003) claimed that education and training is imperative to decrease the sense of inadequacy among public health professionals and promote the widespread implementation of public health informatics as a discipline.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Filtering in Libraries and Schools Essay -- Education Technology Paper

Filtering in Libraries and Schools We read about blocking some kinds of internet sites in public libraries and schools by using filtering software. There are problems on how to define an obscene piece of material, the list of filtered sites is not available to user , restricting access of adults, not just children, and affecting the lives of poor people who cannot afford PCs by filtering many sites. I think everyone agrees that we should protect children from harmful sites. However, it is difficult to make a restriction which is acceptable by all users. How should filtering systems changed ? There is an expression in the textbook that is concerning the right to see porn in libraries(Basse, Sara p205). It seems silly because I think a library is not a place for pleasure but for study. However, filtering all sites with inappropriate materials for children is not a good idea because some people want to do research on breast cancer, sex, Nazism...etc. What can libraries do about this problem? In my opinion, rooms for adults...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mobile Phone and Phoebe Cook Copeland

Phoebe Cook Copeland ENC0025 8 April 2013 Causes and Effects of texting while driving It is a beautiful Friday morning, when all of a sudden a huge crash is heard in the distance. At the scene of the accident there is a car crushed up against a telephone pole with a young girl inside all bloodied and cut up. Taking a closer look, the young girl seems like she is simply asleep, but in her hand she holds her phone with half written message on the screen saying, â€Å"I’ll be there†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Unfortunately, the young girl never had the chance to finish her text message because she hit a telephone pole.This young girl’s life was tragically taken from her; however, this accident could have been avoided if she would have only waited until she got to either her destination or a red light to answer the text message. Sending text messages while driving distracts a person’s attention from the main task, which is driving the vehicle safely. Text messaging is known to co ntribute to deadly accidents that have prompted several legal districts to ban the practice in many states.The reason that people text while driving in unknown and difficult to pinpoint a specific reason; unfortunately, the effects are clearly visible on the roads and also in the news. The causes and effects of texting while driving can be avoided if people just decided to put the phone down and wait until they are not driving. Texting while driving is very dangerous, but people of all ages still do it. Studies have stated that half of the percent of people of all ages text while driving, and the other half of the percent talk on the phone when behind the wheel.Even though there is no evidence that a person is openly pressured into texting while driving, there is an expectation in society to have the dire need to respond to a text message. However, it is more likely for a person to be involved in a serious accident when texting rather than talking on the phone while driving. The rea son behind this is that, when talking on the phone it only distracts the driver, but when texting the driver has to look down at the phone to answer it. Thus, making it not only a distraction for the driver, but they have to take their eyes off the road in order to reply to the message.The effects of texting while driving left a devastating trail that lead to legal implications. Due to having so many accidents on the road, different states passed a law that banned texting while driving. This ban was placed in hopes to lessen the accidents that are caused by people who text and drive. If states can ban driving under the influence, then they can surely ban the no text law in order to keep the roads safer. However, many people have argued that it is hard to spot a person texting while they are driving because they are holding the phone in their laps, which is below the dashboard.So how can the cops catch people who text and drive? The cops are trained to watch for the driver’s b ody language. If the driver seems like they are texting while behind the wheel the cop is allowed to pull them over and issue them a fine. The causes of texting while driving resolves in the most dangerous effects that ends up taking someone’s life. However, not everyone who gets into an accident while texting is unfortunate, but the most serious accidents are due to people taking their eyes and concentration off the road to answer their text message.The reason why people do not take texting while driving seriously is because they think that taking their eyes off the road for a few seconds would not do any harm. Unfortunately, they are sorely mistaken because it only takes a split second in order for something to go terribly wrong. Not only is it dangerous for the person who is driving, but also for the other people that are in the car and on the road. If people just took texting while driving seriously and understood that it is just as dangerous as anything else, then we wou ld have less accidents and less of people’s lives being tragically stripped from them.In conclusion, it is not the lack of knowledge that people text while driving, but the lack of responsibility that goes into the act. People of all ages know the consequences of texting while driving lead to fatal accidents, yet they still do it. The temptation is too grandeur, however, the person who sent that text message can wait. Not waiting to answer that message while driving will not be worth it in the long run. The causes and effects of texting while driving can be avoided if we choose to put the phone down and wait to answer the text message until we are not driving because answering a text message is never worth a human life.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Shareable Content 15 Ways to Create It That Will Explode Your Traffic

Shareable Content 15 Ways to Create It That Will Explode Your Traffic You see a piece of content and less than a day later it’s all over the web. It looks like its creators didn’t even try, and suddenly  as if by magic, thousands of people are sharing it. Then there’s your content. You’re sending it out everyone on social media and via email. Yet, you’re not gaining the traction that you want. There is a way to fix that. At least 15 of them, in fact, which were about to run through. In this blog post you’re going to learn: What  makes viral content so shareable? How can you replicate those shareable traits with your own content? What highly shared content really looks like. What are you waiting for? Check out our top tips for creating shareable content and  find success for yourself. 15 Ways To Create Shareable Content That Will Explode Your TrafficDownload Your Shareable Content Tips Infographic As a bonus, weve included this fact-packed infographic with interesting stats on shareable content. Download it and keep it on hand for any time you need a reminder about what makes shareable content so important. 1.  Do Competitive Research One of the easiest ways to create content people want to pass around is to look at what's worked for others. So, creep on your competitors! Looking at what your competitors are doing and what their audience is reacting to is a great way to find insights on the content your audience wants to see. Here’s a list of what you need to do to be a successful competitor-tracking Sherlock Holmes: Make a list of your top five competitors and the social media channels you both are on. Where are you competitors at online? If you’re on the same channels that means that you’re directly competing with them for traffic. Take a look at the last six months of content that they have published.  This will involve a lot of scrolling and note taking. Are they publishing blogs, videos, or some other type of content? What types of content are you publishing that are similar to theirs? Note content that has gotten high engagement on each channel. If videos are going over well for your competitor on Facebook take note of that. Then look at specifics, what are they doing in those videos that is causing a reaction from their audience? Use their high engagement content to inspire your own content.  By seeing what your intended audience is already reacting too you can take those conceptions and make them your own. Take what your competitors are writing about and make it 10x better. Make your audience see that you are the best option. Create content that shows your audience you're the best option.2. Tell A Story With Your Content Next, let's cover how to craft strong storytelling content. Why is storytelling an important part of creating shareable content? Because it allows your audience to see themselves in a given situation, making it more relatable to their day-to-day experience. So how can you make your content tell a story for your audience? Craft your content so it has a clear beginning, middle, and end. At the end of it you should be able to answer the question, â€Å"Did my content relate to my audience and get them from point A to point B clearly?† So let’s map that out. or each piece of content that you create, write down the following: The problem that your audience is experiencing. The solution that your product or company can provide. How are you going to tell a story that will take your audience from Point A to Point B? Think about the steps it takes for a consumer to start with a problem and arrive at a solution: How can you create storytelling content for social media? Take a look at this post from State Farm Insurance: Some surprises are bigger than others. No matter what, were here to help. Posted by State Farm on Monday, June 13, 2016 The video does a few things. First, it introduces a pair of common problems; one is that is a bit light-hearted and one more serious. Both of these problems or experiences people can relate to. The video continues and leads viewers from Point A (being able to buy products you love and possibly having them stolen) to Point B (learning that State Farm can protect you should the worst happen to your new purchase). The video resolves by showing the audience that no matter the situation, State Farm will be there in the good times to reward them and in the bad times to help them. The copy is short but the video still tells a story with a bit of humor.  And since it's on social media, it's naturally convenient to share. Recommended Reading: How to Write a Video Script That Will Make $100,000,000 (Free Kit) 3. Validate Your Audience’s Opinions Another way to create shareable content is to validate your audience’s opinions. Content that reinforces the opinions your audience holds is easy to share because they now have proof from a reliable source (you!) that their opinions are correct. So how do you create that content? You need to think back to your audience. What do they like and believe in? For example, if I was targeting marketers, I  could talk about topics I know the marketing community has polarizing opinions around. That might include something like hashtag usage on Facebook (don't do it) or using automated direct messages on Twitter (again, that's another one in the "don't" column). I know that people in my target audience care about these topics because they’re relevant to their jobs. There’s also the fact that people will have an opinion on whether or not my observations are correct. So how can you find that information? Think about your demographic, what are they interested in? What do people in your industry care about? What do they have differentiating opinions on? What are some of the opinions that you have already posted about? What did your audience have a positive reaction towards? If they feel a certain way about something, you can probably guess they have a certain belief. So what does this type of content look like in action? Take a look at this Facebook post from Girl Develop It: .TechRepublic names their top 10 cities for #womenintech in the US. Nearly all of them have a local GDI chapter! Posted by Girl Develop It onTuesday, March 28, 2017 While Girl Develop It didn’t write the article that they shared (and that’s okay) this article would still appeal to the beliefs of their audience. Why? Because they are an organization focused on getting women involved in tech by teaching them how to code. So it would make sense that their audience would be excited about cities that higher a lot of women in the tech field. Encourage social shares by reaffirming your audience's beliefs, values, goals, and opinions.3. How Can You Use Controversy In Your Content? Why would you want to cause controversy with your content? That seems like the exact opposite of what you would want to do. Wouldn’t you rather have people agree with you? Not necessarily. You can actually cause your audience to become more certain in their opinions because they want to prove that they’re right. So how can you create the content that will play devil’s advocate to your audience’s opinions? Your exercise this time will be the reverse of the previous one. If your audience aligns their values on one side of an argument, how could you reintroduce the other side to encourage shares? So what does this content look like? Let’s go back to the marketer targeting example from earlier. Check out this tweet from Luis Costa: Will Writing That E-Book Really Boost Your Business? Luà ­s Costa (@luiscostainfo) July 6, 2017 Often times people hear â€Å"publish your content, establish yourself as an expert in the field.† One of the ways that marketers can do that is by publishing an e-book. It makes sense right? They’re easy to self-publish and you have a wealth of information to share. But what if that ebook isn’t necessarily your best option? That’s exactly what this article does. It takes a commonly held assumption, flips it on its head and plays devil’s advocate. Doing this causes one of two things to happen. Either: You’ll click the post because you want to see what this person is talking about. You know you’re right and you want to see where the author came to that conclusion so you can argue and reinforce your own ideas. Drive social shares by contradicting a widely held opinion.4. Create Incentives For Sharing Your Content Everybody likes free stuff right? Whether it’s a T-shirt or a strategy template, free stuff often equals content shares. People like getting a reward for the time it takes to do, well, anything, too. So, how does this relate to content? You can help increase your shares by incentivizing your audience to take action. So how can you find out what your audience likes? You guessed it, more exercises yay! Take a look at past giveaways, free downloads, and other incentives you’ve offered your audience. Did you incentivize anything there? If so, what did your audience respond well to? So what does incentivizing your content look like? Take a look at this tweet from Passion Planner: You can win this beautiful wall tapestry Undated Passion Planner by following 2 easy steps:😄1. Follow @passion_planner 2. RT this post Passion Planner (@passion_planner) May 24, 2017 They encourage shares because it’s what will enter them to win a fun prize package. And entering to win is simple, all they have to do is click a button. So how can you do this for your own content? Decide what your giveaway or incentive for people to share your content will be. Set a date and time that their shares need to be done by. Remember to add CST, PST, especially if your fan base spans across the country. For Twitter, it’s relatively easy to track shares because all you have to do is count retweets. Facebook is a little more difficult to track shares because you won’t be able to see the actual shared post unless their post settings are set to public. Once your deadline has passed,  review your content shares and select a winner. Send out posts letting your fans know that a winner has been selected and tag them so they can claim their prize. For more information, this detailed guide on running social media contests  from Hubspot is a great resource. Shareable #content #tip: Give people an incentive to share your stuff.5. Appeal To Your Audience’s Values Another way to connect your audience to your content and encourage them to share it is to create content that revolves around their values. Your audience wants to know that the values of your company or product align with theirs. Connecting their values to your content is one way to show that you care. Okay, so that’s great advice but how do you implement it? We’re going back into your audience research. You know what your audience believes and some of the basic demographics of your target audience. You may have to generalize a bit, but what would your target demographic care about? For example, if you’re targeting new moms, maybe your content connects to a fundraiser for the March of Dimes. Or, maybe your audience cares about products that are made in the USA so you run a blog post on how the new line of products coming into your store Or, maybe your audience cares about products that are made in the USA, so you run a blog post on how the newest line of products coming into your store is made in the USA only. One way to figure out the values of your audience is to look to your past content. What values have you talked about before that your audience has made a connection with? Now, what does that content look like in action? Take the ASPCA for example. Everyone likes cute puppies and kitties, they tug at your heartstrings and make you feel. Here is a cute fluffy puppy to prove my point: The ASPCA does a great job creating content that encourages people to share content because who doesn’t want to see a tiny kitten get adopted? Meet our Pet of the Week, Bellona! Shes sweet, curious and attentive, help us find her a home please RT! ASPCA (@ASPCA) June 20, 2017 It’s simple values and content that make it easy for your audience to want to share it.  The easiest way to do this is to create posts that state the values of your company. You could format them like: You care about [Value]. At [Brand name] we do to! At [Insert Brand Name] we’re constantly looking forward which is why we believe in [Value]. Our customers believe in [Value], [Value] and [Value]. At [Brand Name] we do too. Recommended Reading: How to Write for Social Media to Create the Best Posts 6. Make Your Content Useful In order to encourage shares, your content needs to be useful to your audience. This is so important that the New York Times did a study  and found that 90% of users will assess the usefulness of the content before sharing it. So how do you ensure the content you’re creating is useful to your audience? First, think about the question or problem that your content is addressing. What are you trying to help your audience solve? Then your content needs to provide step by step information on how to solve the problem or answer the question. These steps can include your product or exclude it, depending on what you’re looking to do. Your final step will include some sort of CTA. This could be as simple as a click-to-tweet button or an encouragement to share this post with someone else who would gain more by seeing the information you provide. So what does that content look like in real life? Content that is useful to our audience is something that we strive to create at every day. We want our content to be actionable and help our readers, help themselves: Our blog posts tell our reader exactly what they’re going to learn when they take the time to read our content, letting them decide if it’s useful to them or not. Our social posts will also carry out the same tone that our audience is going to be getting useful information out of our blog posts that they could then share with their colleagues: With a solid strategy in place, you can (as we say at ), plan your work, and then work your plan with this guide: Posted by onWednesday, July 5, 2017 7. Keep Your Content Simple Another tip for creating shareable content is to keep it simple. Your audience should be able to get the entire idea out of an article without having to read the whole thing. More often than not your audience is in a hurry and you need to be able to capture their attention in a short amount of time. In fact, Hubspot published  a whole infographic on how our attention span today is shorter than a goldfish- it’s 8.5 seconds long. TL;DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) is a real thing. So, how do you create simple content that gets the entirely of your point across fast? First, you need a solid introduction. At we aim to have our blog introductions to be about a 100 words or so and follow the format of: Introduction to problem audience is experiencing. Show that there is a better process that they could use to the fix problem. Create a bulleted list of three points that summarize what they are going to gain or learn from reading the blog post. It’s those three main bullet points are key to use creating a successful introduction because our audience can skim down and know if they article contains the right information that they are looking for. You can also simplify your content by breaking up it up into short skim-worthy lists by: Sticking to two to three sentences per paragraph. Using multiple headers. Breaking up text or translating it to images or infographics. 8. Establish Trust And Credibility With Your Content Your content will pick up more shares when you can establish trust and credibility. Random websites that claim the world is going to end tomorrow probably aren’t going to pick up a lot of traffic because there is no trust there. However, content that is thoroughly back by other credible sources suddenly seems more trustworthy. So how can you create a credible piece of content?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chemical Bond essays

Chemical Bond essays Chemical bonds form when two atoms exchange or share one or more electrons. These bonds hold the atoms together to form compounds. There are two general types of bonds- ionic and covalent bonds. Covalent bonds form when two atoms share a pair of electrons. Neither atom completely loses or gains the electrons. The electron orbit both nuclei to some extent, but the electrons spend most of the time in the space between the bonded nuclei. There are two types of covalent bond. The first one is a nonpolar covalent bond, which the molecules are symmetrical and have equal electron sharing. Nonpolar covalent bond repel from one another, and they have lower melting and boiling points. They are often smelly (aeromatic) and slippery, and dont dissolve in water (hydrophobic). However, polar covalent bond has opposite characteristics. Polar covalent bonds have unequal electron sharing. In polar covalent bond, molecules are lop-sided creating dipoles or +/-. The attractive forces (van d er waals forces) between molecules stabilize, and raise boiling and melting point. It dissolves in water (hydrophilic) and there are very high attractive forces called hydrogen bonding. Ionic bond is another type of chemical bonds. Ionic bonds form when electrons are completely removed from one atom and are completely gained by the second atom. The electrons are exchanged, and this is accompanied by the formation of two ions of opposite charge (cations and anions). The opposite charges will attract each other, and this attraction is what forms the chemical bond. These disassociate into ions as liquids or in solution. Some examples are, electric eels/rays, and nervous systems. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Personal Perspective on Personality Theory Essay

Personal Perspective on Personality Theory - Essay Example Some of the more well-known theorists in this field are Sigmund Freud, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Each of these men approached the question of personality from a completely unique angle, presenting models that attempted to explain the complex mechanisms that go into the development of personality, however, Maslow’s theory of self-actualization seems to take a predominant lead in explaining personality development. Maslow proposed personality was developed along a hierarchy of needs beginning with the most basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. As these needs were being met, the individual could move on to obtaining the second level needs. These levels progressed through physiological, safety, belongingness/love, esteem and self-actualization. Self-actualization was the highest level need and represented that point in a person’s personality development when they have met all lower needs and are now free to pursue their true potential. â€Å"A person who is satisfied at the previous four levels will feel bored unless she or he is engaged in self-actualization striving† (Jazwinski, 1998). Within this theory, he goes on to enumerate 16 different major characteristics of a self-actualized person, 15 of which I can identify with. However, it is true that Maslow’s theory remains a little shallow with respect to how individual differences are formed with the only contributing factor being how well or poorly our needs have been realized (Pettifor, 1996). Freud’s theory centers around the concepts of the id, the ego and the superego. According to this theory, the id is the unconscious mind that responds only to urges and gratification. As we mature, we begin to act upon those impulses and develop a conscious mind, the ego. However, the ego recognizes that some of the actions desired by the id are not appropriate within a given society, so it begins

Friday, November 1, 2019

Spiritual Life Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Spiritual Life Coaching - Essay Example However, for this to happen, one must comprehend the true depiction of coaching to begin with. Coaching does not come about as a routine norm for many – it is the basis of attaining a significant level over other individuals yet feeling occupied with one’s own self over a period of time. Since coaching adheres to some good standards on its way, there is a dire requirement to set things right within a person’s entirety. For this reason, it is closely linked with his spiritual life which is cleansed from the inside, and is pure in the most basic sense. A spiritual life is not always assisted by coaching alone – there are other perspectives to it as well. This can be gauged from the dimensions that a society finds itself connected with. It could comprise of the good deeds, the mannerisms of sanity, discussions on topics that have a positive and long-lasting effect, and a number of other subjects related with honesty, clean ways to spend a life, being good to others, use of morality, etc. Coaching is at times even compared along side the training modules and mentoring regimes. This is because these are much similar yet have minute differences existent amongst them. What is important however is to gain an understanding that all three of these – coaching, training and mentoring form the very crust of success that an individual is looking forward to having within his fore, so that his spiritual life could be restored and he can enjoy the benefits that life has to offer to him, time and time again (Walz, 2005). When coaching connects itself with the essence of a spiritual basis, then only can a spiritual life come into full action. This has been proven with the passage of time and much research has already showed that the relation between the two indeed exists. The coaching phase is therefore directly reliant on how well the peers are able to garner interest so that the ones being coached know exactly what to expect out of it and how to go about completing their respective tasks. The spiritual life basis will result from the very same not before they have been taught the very basics of coaching and are geared to reach the top most levels under the aegis of coaching. Whether or not coaching speaks to a person’s spiritual life largely depends on how well he has been coached, as discussed in the above paragraphs. If his coaching helps him to seek an inner world pleasure, then this means something is driven correctly as far as his life realms are concerned. On the other hand, if he believes that he is not being able to satisfy his own self through the coaching methodologies and norms, then this implies for the loss that he has to take the burden of (Nielsen, 2012). What remains to be seen is how well he musters up confidence to turn the coaching module into one of a spiritual journey so that his own life could benefit from it. Often times, the success is in the head alone, yet difficult to envisage due to a n umber of mental blocks along the way. When coaching experts are asked regarding the process of coaching and how it can be termed as merry for one and all, they credit the same to the willpower of the individuals, and how well they adapt to the different situations and behave in accordance with the same. This is much similar to how coaching should be carried out where the inner essence needs to bank on the premise of bringing about a positive change, so that success within such dimensions could be achieved without any hindrance or difficulty. This is however no easy task because the person under consideration has to comprehend his nuances accordingly and thus identify where he has gone wrong all this while by taking the corrective steps along the way. From biblical research, it has been proved that anything

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Risk Planning Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Risk Planning Management - Essay Example s such, in response to risk, human beings have created and developed mechanisms with which they can avoid, prevent and minimize risk. This reaction stems from the fact that risk is considered as the probability that something could happen which can produce a loss, injury or even death. Contextualizing risk, the contemporary period has created a scheme in approaching risk – risk planning management. In effect risk planning management is protecting people, protecting companies. This notion of risk planning management is made more concrete in the intertwined relationships among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations.In this regard, the study will undertake a critical reflection pertaining to the intertwined relationships among the construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations. This study aims to carry out a critical reflection regarding the interconnection among the construction industry, risk planning m anagement and fire and rescue operations. This is significant as it affords new insights regarding the connection of construction industry, risk planning management and fire and rescue operations in the contemporary period.For this study, a critical reflection on theories as well as on the experiences of the researcher has been employed. In this regard, through critical reflection, a person gains deep learning that enhances not only personal knowledge but also professional skills and decision-making.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Theme of Love in Womans Novels Essay Example for Free

The Theme of Love in Womans Novels Essay My aim is to compare and contrast different kinds of love in the novels The Tenant of Wildfell Hall written by Anne Brontà « and The Mill on the Floss written by George Elliot. I am going to examine and determine a love of parents for their children, a love between siblings, a love between man and woman, and a love of literature and art in these novels. In the novel The Mill on the Floss the heroine Helen has a little son – Arthur and she loves him very much. She takes a good care of him, she is aware where he is and what he is doing, and if she is not around her, she asks about him: â€Å"What was Arthur doing when you came away?† (Brontà «, 55). She tries to provide him a good education and she wants him to become a good man one day. And when he is around his father who has a really bad influence on him, she does everything possible to protect him from the behaviour of his father. Even though his father is a bad person, she does not want her son to hate his father, she only wants him to see that his father is not a good person and that little Arthur does not have to be the same: â€Å"And when you hear such words spoken, Arthur, remember never to repeat them: it is wicked to say such things of others, not to have them said against you† (299). Even though it seems to be impossible to manage it, one day little Arthur sees it: â€Å" ‘I’m sorry papa’s wicked,’ said he mournfully, at length, ‘for I don’t want him to go to hell.’ And so saying he burst into tears† (300). Helen’s love for her son is selfless, patient, and never-stopping – just the way the love of a parent for her or his child is supposed to be. Maggie and Tom, siblings in the novel The Mill on the Floss, have parents who care for them as well. Their father Mr Tulliver wants to provide them with good education: â€Å"what I w ant is to give Tom a good eddication† (Elliot, 14). He knows that he is a bit illiterate so he wants his son to be better, educated, and independent as he has never been. His wife agrees with him: â€Å"Well, Mr. Tulliver, you know best: I’ve no objections† (14). When Tom is sent away from home to get his education, his father visits him when he has a chance: â€Å"It was Mr. Tulliver’s first visit to see Tom† (99). They have good parents-children relationship which is obvious from the actions of Tom and Maggie. After their education they help their father, protect him from bad news when he is deadly ill or when he hurts himself, or when he lost everything they obey him and help him: â€Å"When Maggie reached home that evening, in obedience to her father’s call, he was no longer insensible† (132). The love of Maggie’s parents is not acquisitive and selfless because they do for their children what they need to have better life and they are asking only for obedience. Helen has one brother who is called Frederic, but they are not really close as children, because she lives with her aunt and not with him. But when the trouble with Helen’s husband comes and she needs to run, he helps her without hesitation because blood is thicker than water. And thanks to their distant relationship her husband will never ask him about her: â€Å"Mr. Huntingdon would be the last person to whom he should communicate the intelligence; and that he need not trouble himself to bargain for the child, for he (Frederick) fancied he knew enough of his sister to enable him to declare, that wherever she might be, or however situated, no consideration would induce her to deliver him up† (326). But when she leaves her husband and starts living in Wildfell Hall, they grow closer and he is her regular visitor. And since no one knows who he is to her, everyone including Gilbert, the man who loves her, thinks that they are lovers. Gilbert overhears one of their conversations of loving each other and he misinterprets it: â€Å"I heard quite enough, Helen. And it was well for me that I did hear it; for nothing less could have cured my infatuation† (107). The love of Helen and Frederick for each other is selfless and caring. On the contrary, Maggie and Tom grow up together, they do everything together. Maggie follows Tom everywhere and he is an example for her. Her love for him during childhood is very sincere: â€Å"IT was a heavy disappointment to Maggie that she was not allowed to go with her father in the gig hen he went to fetch Tom home from the academy† (26). But their relationship is as most of the relationships of siblings are – they sometimes argue or tease each other, and sometimes they are impatient with each other, but they are glad to see each other: â€Å"Tom, in the gladness of his heart at having dear old Maggie to dispute with and crow over again, seized her round the waist † (100). Later, when Tom does not agree with the choice of her lover, they argue and he stops speaking to her. But she loves him unconditionally and wants to have a good relationship with him. In the end the stop their disputes and they come to terms with each other: â€Å"The boat reappeared, but brother and sister had gone down in an embrace never to be parted; living through again in one supreme moment the days when they had clasped their little hands in love, and roamed the daisied fields together† (333). The first love of the heroine of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was foolish, reckless, and it almost destroyed her. She chose a man with good looks, who made her laugh, but he was irresponsible and wild and she thought he would change. At the beginning their love was passionate, but soon she realized that he flirts with other women even though he was married and that he thinks of her as an object of his pleasure and does not treat her as an equal partner. His love for her is selfish. On the other hand, her second love, Mr Gilbert Markham, is more matured, but still very passionate and romantic: â€Å"just when I love you more than ever† (331). Their love began as friends: â€Å"Mrs. Graham and I were now established friends† (78). And while being friends, she realised that he is an opposite of her husband and that he treats her as an equal partner and is a good example for her little son. She knows that she cannot marry him so she tries to protect him from being hurt of unfulfilled love: â€Å"‘Now, Gilbert, you must leave me—not this moment, but soon—and you must never come again.’† (331). Their love for each other is selfless and self-sacrificing. Maggie Tulliver has two men in her life that she loves as well. Her first love is Phillip, Tom’s classmate. But at the beginning she pities him more than she loves him because of his deformity. But later they become friends, they talk about the books they read a l ot and their love for each other grows. She thinks of him as a brother, not a lover: â€Å"As if I were not grateful for any love. But—but I had never thought of your being my lover. It seemed so far off—like a dream—only like one of the stories one imagines—that I should ever have a lover† (214). But she soon realises that she can love him more than just as a brother: â€Å"but I don’t think I could love any one better than I love you† (215). On the contrary, her love for Stephen is based on the mutual attraction. Their love is passionate and everything that Phillip cannot give her. The first time she and Stephen are alone there is strong attraction towards each other they cannot explain: â€Å"Did she feel as he did? He hoped she did—not. He ought not to have gone. He would master himself in future. He would make himself disagreeable to her, quarrel with her perhaps. Quarrel with her? Was it possible to quarrel with a creature who had such eyes,—defying and deprecating, contradicting and clinging, imperious and beseeching,—full of delicious opposites? To see such a creature subdued by love for one would be a lot worth having—to another man† (262). One moment they run away together and want to get married, but Maggie comes to her senses, because their love is forbidden by society since Stephen is her cousin’s fiancà ©. Helen Graham is a woman who can play the piano, sing a little, she can dance and she really loves literature. But most of all she loves drawing. Sometimes drawing is the only activity she likes doing: â€Å"My drawing suits me best, for I can draw and think at the same time; and if my productions cannot now be seen by any one but myself, and those who do not care about them, they, possibly, may be, hereafter† (109). Her drawing is so good that she earns some money with her paintings, which she saves for the escape from her husband. When she comes to Wildfell Hall, she still continues drawing. It is one of her favourite past times and she draws the things she likes: â€Å"she left us and proceeded along the steep, stony hill, to a loftier, more precipitous eminence at some distance, whence a still finer prospect was to be had, where she preferred taking her sketch, though some of the ladies told her it was a frightful place, and advised her not to attempt it† (54). Helen also likes reading a lot, she and Mr Markham often lend each other some books and then discuss it. The love of art is fulfilling for her, it is calming her and helping her overcome bad moments of her life. It is Maggie’s love of literature that is fascinating. Her desire for knowledge and to know everything is never-ending. As a little child she reads a lot, she has read the books that other children have not and the books she should not have read at her age: â€Å"The ’History of the Devil,’ by Daniel Defoe,—not quite the right book for a little girl,† said Mr. Ri ley† (20). This desire for knowledge does not go weaker when she is older. Every time she visits Tom at his teacher she is fascinated by everything he is being taught. And it is books she and Phillip talk about every time they meet. They discuss if the books are good or if they would like to be like the main characters: â€Å"Take back your Corinne,† said Maggie, drawing a book from under her shawl. â€Å"You were right in telling me she would do me no good; but you were wrong in thinking I should wish to be like her† (213). When she spends time with her cousin Lucy she starts to like music, but it is books and literature she loves the most: â€Å"The mere concord of octaves was a delight to Maggie, and she would often take up a book of studies rather than any melody, that she might taste more keenly by abstraction the more primitive sensation of intervals. Not that her enjoyment of music was of the kind that indicates a great specific talent; it was rather that her sensibility to the supreme excitement of music was only one form of that passionate sensibility which belonged to her whole nature† (257). Her love of books and literature and all art is really passionate and never ending. To sum up, the theme of love is present greatly in both novels – The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and The Mill on the Floss. Parental love in both these novels is selfless and caring, while the love of siblings differs. Helen is distant with her brother at the beginning, but then they become close. Their love is the kind of love which does not want anything in return. The love between Maggie and Tom goes through several stages. While Maggie’s love is sincere and stable, Tom’s love goes through the stage of coldness. But in the end he still loves his sister. Both heroines have two men they fall in love with in their lives, and even though they are totally different they both know what it means to love passionately. Also the love of art and literature differs. While Maggie’s love of art and literature is passionate as she is passionate about everything in her life, the love of literature and art is calmer for Helen. The theme of love is depicted a bit differently in these two novels but it is portrayed in a big aspect. Work cited Brontà «, Anne. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. N.p.: Pennsylvania State University, 2003. Print. Elliot, George. The Mill on the Floss. Vol. IX. N.p.: Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, 2000. Print.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Theme of Justice in King Lear Essay examples -- King Lear essays

The Theme of Justice in King Lear      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many themes are evident in King Lear, but perhaps one of the most prevalent relates to the theme of justice.   Shakespeare has developed a tragedy that allows us to see man's decent into chaos.   Although Lear is perceived as "a man more sinned against than sinning" (p.62), the treatment of the main characters encourages the reader to reflect on the presence or lack of justice in this world.   The characters also vary in their inclination to view the world from either a fatalistic or moralistic point of view, depending on their beliefs about the presence or absence of a higher power.   The theme of justice in relation to higher powers can be illustrated from the perspective of King Lear, Gloucester, and Edgar.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When reading King Lear, it is helpful to understand the Elizabethan "Chain of Being" in which nature is viewed as order. Rosenblatt (1984) states that there was a belief in   an established hierarchy within the universe.   Everything had its own relative position beginning with Heaven, the Divine Being, and the stars and planets which are all above. On earth the king is next, then the nobles, on down to the peasantry.   Holding the lowest position were the beggars and lunatics and finally, the animals.   Interrupting this order is unnatural.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   King Lear's sin was that he disrupted this chain of being by relinquishing his throne.   By allowing his daughters and their husbands to rule the kingdom, the natural order of things was disturbed.   His notion that he can still be in control after dividing the kingdom is a delusion.   According to Elizabethan philosophy, it wou... ...the universal conflict that members of society have always had in understanding their fate in this world.    Works Cited and Consulted Bradley, A.C. "King Lear." 20Lh Century Interpretations of King Lear. Ed. Jane Adelman. New Jersev; Prentice-Hall, 1978. Colie, Rosalie. Some Faces of King Lear. Ed. R. Colie & F.T. Flahiff. UniversitV of Toronto Press, 1994. Curry, Walter. Shakespeare s Philosophical Patterns. London: Mass Peter  Ã‚   Smith, 1968.  Ã‚   Hunter, Robert G. Criticism on Shakespeare s Tragedies.. University of Georgia Press, 1996. Matthews, Richard. "Edmund's Redemption in King Lear". Shakespeare Quarterly. Winter, 19q5. pps. 25-29. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Canada Inc. Toronto. 1990. Snyder, Susan. "King Lear and the Prodigal Son." Shakespeare Quarterly. Autumn 1966. pps. 361-369.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

iNTERNATIONAL TRADE :: essays research papers fc

International Trade Understanding the culture in a country or region in which you are doing business is a critical skill for the international business person. Without this knowledge, a successful outcome to the business venture can be in jeopardy. â€Å"The level of world output in any given year influences the level of international trade in that year.† By this it means that the slower the world economy is the less international trade and the higher the economy the higher the volume of trade. "Globalization" is a term that came into popular usage in the 1980's to describe the increased movement of people, knowledge and ideas, and goods and money across national borders that has led to increased interconnectedness among the world's populations, economically, politically, socially and culturally. Although globalization is often thought of in economic terms, this process has many social and political implications as well. Many in local communities associate globalization with modernization. At the global level, globalization is thought of in terms of the challenges it poses to the role of governments in international affairs and the global economy. There are heated debates about globalization and its positive and negative effects. While globalization is thought of by many as having the potential to make societies richer through trade and to bring knowledge and information to people around the world, there are many others who perceive globalization as contributing to the exploitation of the poor by the rich, and as a threat to traditional cultures as the process of modernization changes societies. There are some who link the negative aspects of globalization to terrorism. To put a complicated discussion in simple terms, they argue that exploitative or declining conditions contribute to the lure of informal "extremist" networks that commit criminal or terrorist acts internationally. And thanks to today's technology and integrated societies, these networks span throughout the world. It is in this sense that terrorism, too, is "globalized." Increasingly over the past two centuries, economic activity has become more globally oriented and integrated. Some economists argue that it is no longer meaningful to think in terms of national economies; international trade has become central to most local and domestic economies around the world. Among the major high-income economies, sometimes referred to as the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, 60 percent of the total economic production, or GDP, is associated with international trade. Thirty-four percent comes from trade between high-income and low-and middle-income nations.